Virtual Identity and Virtual Privacy: towards a Concept of Regulation by Analogy


The right to privacy protects the unimpeded creation of one's personal identity without external infringements. This protection is essential for the development of independent citizens, which properly functioning democratic states cannot do without. As a growing number of people share their identity on the Internet, there is an increasing demand for privacy rights that protect the unimpeded creation of the virtual identity. The right to virtual privacy ensures the independent development of one's virtual personality, and also offers an opportunity for regulating cyberspace in an innovative way.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Virtual Identity and Virtual Privacy: towards a Concept of Regulation by Analogy}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0301}, date = {2011-03-01}, journal = {eGov Präsenz}, number = {1}, abstract = {The right to privacy protects the unimpeded creation of one\'s personal identity without external infringements. This protection is essential for the development of independent citizens, which properly functioning democratic states cannot do without. As a growing number of people share their identity on the Internet, there is an increasing demand for privacy rights that protect the unimpeded creation of the virtual identity. The right to virtual privacy ensures the independent development of one\'s virtual personality, and also offers an opportunity for regulating cyberspace in an innovative way.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }