Located on the fifth floor of the REC A building, the IViR Room is the heart of the institute. It is used for conferences, workshops and meetings and contains a specialized collection of books and journals in the field of information law.

The IViR Room serves primarily as a resource for IVIR staff members. Students of the Master Information Law may consult the information law collection on Tuesdays from 10.00 – 17.00 hours.
The IViR Room is not a public study room, third parties can consult the collection to a limited extent, but only after making an appointment, see contact details below.
Visiting address:
Institute for Information Law
REC A5.24
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
For more information please contact:
Rosanne van der Waal
E-mail: waal@uva.nl