AI lab TL;DR: Untangling AI Copyright and Data Mining in EU Compliance

In this TL;DR episode, João Quintais explains the interaction between the AI Act and EU copyright law, focusing on text and data mining (TDM). He unpacks key issues like lawful access, opt-out mechanisms, and transparency obligations for AI developers. João explores challenges such as extraterritoriality and trade secrets, offering insights into how voluntary codes of… Continue reading AI lab TL;DR: Untangling AI Copyright and Data Mining in EU Compliance

Podcastserie: Persvrijheid belicht – 1 – Persvrijheidsmonitor

In het kader van de Haagse Vrijheidsweken presenteert Beeld & Geluid in Den Haag in samenwerking met Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten, Persvrijheidsfonds, NDP Nieuwsmedia, Justice & Peace Nederland een serie van 3 podcasts. De podcastserie wordt gepresenteerd door Merel Wielaert in aanloop naar de Internationale Dag van de Persvrijheid op 3 mei.