Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research
Archives: Activities
The new Digital Services Act Package: A paradigm shift? #4 The Digital Services Act and the fight against disinformation
A webinar series of the European Audiovisual Observatory
America is back so hold on to your data
ANZCA 2021 – ‘Communication, Authority and Power’
Panel Discussion “Fake News & Disinformation: A pandemic of its own?”
Future of Science Communication Conference
New Internet Courts? Impact and Potential of Councils and Observatories
VvA Studiemiddag: “Het Auteurscontractenrecht: Transparantie – Vergoedingsaanspraak – Non usus”
Fel bekritiseerde copyright-richtlijn in werking: makers blij, zorgen blijven
Pas in zijn nadagen durven Twitter en Facebook Trump de mond te snoeren
Financieel Dagblad
KI: Was handelt sich die EU ein?