Archives: Activities
The European Court Just Ruled That Bulk Data Retention Schemes Are Illegal
Testlijnmedewerkers kunnen bij persoonsgegevens, ook als dat niet mag
Commentaar in Nieuwsuur
The Internet Marathon: A 12-hour conversation about half a century online: where do we stand?
De Balie
EPIP 2020 Online Conference
Session chair: Young Scholars Award.
Blockchain-Forschung erobert die Universitäten
Interview in Frankfurter Allgemeine
Liquid AI: Accountability and governance of transnational AI systems
IViR Panel at the 13th International Conference Computer Privacy and Data Protection, 22 January 2020, Brussels
Privacy not a blocker for ‘meaningful’ research access to platform data, says report
‘We moeten sociale media dwingen transparant te zijn’
Interview NRC.