3 February, 2023Towards a Normative Perspective on JournalisticAI: Embracing the Messy Reality of NormativeIdeals
13 September, 2021Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategy, with particular focus on the legal and societal conditions
27 August, 2020Opinie: De wettelijke mogelijkheden voor online proctoring door universiteiten zijn zeer beperkt
16 June, 2020User Perspectives on the News Personalisation Process: Agency, Trust and Utility as Building Blocks
20 March, 2020The personal information sphere: An integral approach to privacy and related information and communication rights
8 January, 2019Interested in diversity: The role of user attitudes, algorithmic feedback loops, and policy in news personalization
7 November, 2017Challenged by news personalisation: five perspectives on the right to receive information