8 October, 2013Accommodating the Needs of iConsumers: Making Sure They Get Their Money’s Worth of Digital Entertainment
9 August, 2013Creative Commons and Related Rights in Sound Recordings: Are the Two Systems Compatible?
18 April, 2013Digital content services for consumers: Comparative analysis of the applicable legal frameworks and suggestions for the contours of a model system of consumer protection in relation to digital content
18 April, 2013Copyright Limitations and Contracts – An Analysis of the Contractual Overridability of Limitations on Copyright, Information Law Series
18 April, 2013Le tir manqué de la Directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur dans la société de l’information,
18 April, 2013The nature and scope of limitations and exceptions to copyright and neighbouring rights with regard to general interest missions for the transmission of knowledge: prospects for their adaptation to the digital environment
18 April, 2013A quand l’octroi de licences transfrontières pour l’utilisation de droits d’auteur et de droits voisins en Europe?’