13 October, 2021Personal data ordering in context: the interaction of meso-level data governance regimes with macro frameworks
11 July, 2021Panta Rhei: A European Perspective on Ensuring a High Level of Protection of Human Rights in a World in Which Everything Flows
3 February, 2021AI Regulation in the European Union and Trade Law: How can accountability of AI and a high level of consumer protection prevail over a trade law discipline on source code?, study commissioned by the Vzbv, Amsterdam: Institute for Information Law, 2021
30 November, 2020Panta rhei: A European Perspective on Ensuring a High-Level of Protection of Digital Human Rights in a World in Which Everything Flows
24 July, 2020Schrems II and Surveillance: Third Countries’ National Security Powers in the Purview of EU Law, European Law Blog