11 February, 2025Towards a European Research Freedom Act: A Reform Agenda for Research Exceptions in the EU Copyright Acquis
17 December, 2024Generative AI and Creative Commons Licences – The Application of Share Alike Obligations to Trained Models, Curated Datasets and AI Output
26 November, 2024Opinion of the European Copyright Society on CG and YN v Pelham GmbH and Others, Case C-590/23 (Pelham II)
7 November, 2024Opinion of the European Copyright Society on the CG and YN v Pelham GmbH and Others, Case C-590/23 (Pelham II)
8 October, 2024The Unproductive “Overconstitutionalization” of EU Copyright and Trademark Law – Fundamental Rights Rhetoric and Reality in CJEU Jurisprudence
14 June, 2024Mapping the Impact of Share Alike/Copyleft Licensing on Machine Learning and Generative AI