29 October, 2021The Copyright/Trademark Interface: How the Expansion of Trademark Protection Is Stifling Cultural Creativity
22 October, 2021Copyright, Limitations and the Three-step test. An Analysis of the Three-Step Test in International and EC Copyright Law
1 October, 2021The Siren Song of the Subtle Copycat – Revisiting Trademark Law with Insights from Consumer Research
21 September, 2021De reikwijdte van artikel 17 DSM-richtlijn in het licht van het verbod op algemene toezichtverplichtingen: een Odyssee
25 May, 2021Ensuring the Visibility and Accessibility of European Creative Content on the World Market: The Need for Copyright Data Improvement in the Light of New Technologies
26 November, 2020Intermediary Liability and Trade Mark Infringement – Proliferation of Filter Obligations in Civil Law Jurisdictions?