Our society’s growing reliance on digital technologies such as AI incurs an ever-growing ecological footprint. Kristina Irion, Associate Professor at the Institute for Information Law, examines the European Union law and policy surrounding data centres. In a recent article, she and co-author Jessica Commins explain why, despite measures to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy consumption, the unfettered growth of the data centres sector jeopardizes the achievement of the 2030 sustainability goal.
Posts in Category: News
Untangling AI Copyright and Data Mining in EU Compliance
In this TL;DR episode, João Quintais explains the interaction between the AI Act and EU copyright law, focusing on text and data mining (TDM). He unpacks key issues like lawful access, opt-out mechanisms, and transparency obligations for AI developers. João explores challenges such as extraterritoriality and trade secrets, offering insights into how voluntary codes of practice and contractual diligence could help align AI innovation with EU copyright rules.
Balázs Bodó appointed Professor of Information Law and Policy at IViR
IViR is pleased and proud to announce that Balázs Bodó has been appointed, per 1 January 2025, as a full professor at IViR, to the chair ‘Information Law and Policy, with special emphasis on Technology Governance’.
Call for Creative Media Projects – Data Work in the Digital Economy
The University of Amsterdam is providing funding and support for new or early-stage creative media projects that unearth, explore, and critique the digital economy in India from the perspectives of the labour that supports and sustains it.
More Great Books Freely Available in ‘Information Law Series’ Archive
Following the successful launch of the Information Law Series Archive in September 2024, ten more volumes have now been made freely available online on the IViR website.
Kristina Irion joins advisory board of Center on Privacy & Technology
Kristina Irion has joined the advisory board of the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law.
New report: The right to trust your vote: Cybersecurity, human rights and electronic voting
Voting in elections in the past used to be done with pen and paper. But over the past decades, countries have switched to electronic voting machines (EVMs). Already from the outset, the use of these machines has been heavily criticised by information security experts, concerned about the possibility of election fraud and the undermining of… Continue reading New report: The right to trust your vote: Cybersecurity, human rights and electronic voting
Report for Open Future on Demonopolizing the European public domain
In April of this year, Open Future approached the ILP Lab to take a closer look at the legal status of the datasets produced by the European participants in the Google Books project.
Opinion of the European Copyright Society on the CG and YN v Pelham GmbH and Others, Case C-590/23 (Pelham II)
The latest Opinion of the European Copyright Society addresses how the concept of pastiche applies to music sampling under EU copyright law, in the context of CG and YN v Pelham GmbH and Others, Case C-590/23 (Pelham II).
Prof. Helberger awarded with honorary doctorate from University of Fribourg
IViR is proud to share that upon the recommendation of the Department of Communication and Media Research, Prof. Natali Helberger was awarded with an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg