12 October, 2021Special issue of Internet Policy Review on “Protecting ‘European Values’ inside data flows” online and open accessNews
21 September, 2021Folia: Bernt Hugenholtz vertrekt bij IViR: ‘Door internet is ons vakgebied geëxplodeerd’News
13 September, 2021New report by IViR & ASCoR: Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategyNews
4 December, 2020New empirical research on scholarly piracy – radical open access is not a panaceaNews
30 November, 2020IViR Study for European Commission on AI and IP, prepared by Prof. Hugenholtz, Dr. Quintais & Prof. GervaisNews
5 November, 2020Two Veni grants for IViR!: Jef Ausloos and João Pedro Quintais both awarded with grantNews
29 October, 2020New study by Prof. Senftleben & Dr. Angolopoulos: The Odyssey of the Prohibition on General Monitoring Obligations on the Way to the Digital Services ActNews