PhD defence: Copyright in the Age of Online Access


PhD Defence: João Pedro Quintais, Copyright in the Age of Online Access – Alternative Compensation Systems in EU Copyright Law Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM (CET) Venue: University of Amsterdam, Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229-231, 1012 EX Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dissertation Abstract The large majority of the EU population uses… Continue reading PhD defence: Copyright in the Age of Online Access

Academic Symposium: Harmonizing European Intermediary Liability in Copyright


Date: 14 January 2017, 9.30-17.00. Venue: University of Amsterdam, Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229-231, 1012 EX Amsterdam, The Netherlands Max. capacity: 70 persons See also the programme of the symposium The Institute for Information Law (IViR) of the University of Amsterdam is organising an academic symposium on European intermediary liability entitled ‘Harmonising European Intermediary Liability in… Continue reading Academic Symposium: Harmonizing European Intermediary Liability in Copyright

Personalised Communication: A joint Communication and Information Law Initiative


Personalised Communication: A joint Communication and Information Law Initiative The term personalized communication captures the fundamental change in, and challenges of, communication today: On the one hand, profiling and targeting users with customized messages can offer a solution to “digital” challenges, such as information overload, the resulting attention scarcity, and the fierce competition for users’… Continue reading Personalised Communication: A joint Communication and Information Law Initiative

Presentation by ECHR judge Robert Spano at IViR on 28 October 2016


On Friday 28 October 2016 Robert Spano, judge at the European Court of Human Rights, gave a presentation at IViR. He spoke about intermediary liability for online user comments – the Delfi jurisprudence. The Delfi case raised a lot of discussion and is one of the first on the role of intermediaries in today’s information society. Robert… Continue reading Presentation by ECHR judge Robert Spano at IViR on 28 October 2016

Prof. Dommering’s new book: Het verschil van mening: Een geschiedenis van een verkeerd begrepen idee


Op 7 september 2016 vond in de Rode Hoed in Amsterdam de boekpresentatie plaats van:   Het verschil van mening: Geschiedenis van een verkeerd begrepen idee Prof. E.J. Dommering         Lees hier de inleiding die Prof. Dommering tijdens deze avond gaf. Media: Interview met Prof. Dommering in het radioprogramma Met het oog… Continue reading Prof. Dommering’s new book: Het verschil van mening: Een geschiedenis van een verkeerd begrepen idee