Eugénie Coche

Eugénie is a research master student in Information law at the IViR since September 2017. Last year she followed the one-year LL.M. informatierecht (taught in Dutch) and participated to the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition, held at Oxford University, in which she made it to the octofinals. During that program, she developed a particular interest for freedom of expression surrounding internet intermediaries as well as privacy and data protection issues. In light of this, she decided to switch to the two-years research master program in order to explore these topics into more depth and to gain stronger research, writing and analytical skills for the rest of her career.
Eugénie has a background in European law as she obtained her bachelor degree in European Law with a minor in Dutch law, at Maastricht University. She also participated in the European Law Moot Court Competition (bilingual competition French-English) and won the Regional finals held at Columbia University in New York and the prize of ‘second best team’ in the all European finals held at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. Her bachelor thesis focused on the Google Spain case and in how far this judgment actually provided individuals with a de facto 'right to be forgotten'.