Vicky Breemen

Vicky Breemen is a PhD-candidate at IViR. She graduated cum laude from the research master Information Law (July 2012), having spent one semester at the University of Copenhagen in 2011. Subsequently, she worked as a project researcher at the Institute. Before joining IViR, she studied in Utrecht, where she minored in journalism and graduated from the honours BA programme in Law (cum laude, 2010). Vicky’s research interests focus on copyright, culture&law and freedom of expression and media law in general, and more specifically on the legal aspects of (digital) libraries. For her researchmaster's thesis on the library privilege in the digital environment, she was awarded the Dutch Association of Information Professionals’ Victorine van Schaickprijs NVB 2012 and the general University of Amsterdam Thesis Award 2013. At ATRIP 2018’s Early Career Workshop, her talk received the third prize. In the spring of 2018, Vicky was awarded the Witteveen Memorial Fellowship in Law & Humanities by Tilburg University for a joint multidisciplinary project with Kelly Breemen on new ways of sharing and accessing traditional cultural expressions via digital libraries and the historical, ethical, cultural-political and legal issues involved.