The Institute is pleased to announce that Anton Ekker will give a lecture at IViR onFriday 27 March 2020 about the recent SyRI-case. On 5 February 2020, the District Court in The Hague banned the use of the SyRI algorithm system by the Dutch government. SyRI was used for profiling citizens to detect fraud with… Continue reading IViR Lecture: The SyRI-case: consequences for risk profiling and automated decision-making
IViR Lecture
IViR Lecture by Christophe Geiger: Making Europe fit for the Digital Age? Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Freedom of Information and the failed Text and Data Mining provisions in EU Copyright law
IViR Lecture by Christophe Geiger
IViR Lecture by Christophe Geiger
The Institute is pleased to announce that Christophe Geiger will give a talk at IViR on Tuesday 10 March 2020: Making Europe fit for the Digital Age? Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Freedom of Information and the failed Text and Data Mining provisions in EU Copyright law On February 19, the European Commission published an ambitious… Continue reading IViR Lecture by Christophe Geiger