April 2, 2025International Media Law, Policy & Practice (IMLPP) Conference 2025Amsterdam, The Netherlandshttps://www.ivir.nl/imlpp/confer…
April 4, 2025IViR Lecture Series: Balancing Trademark and Free Speech Rights in Trademark Registration and Enforcement LawsIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
April 10 - 11, 2025AlgoSoc International Conference 2025The Future of Public Values in the Algorithmic SocietyAmsterdam, The Netherlandshttps://algosoc.org/events/algos…
May 16, 2025European Copyright Society: 9th Annual ConferenceBeyond private law? The regulatory aims of copyright lawGlasgow, United Kingdomhttps://www.create.ac.uk/ecs-202…
May 21 - 23, 2025CPDP.ai 2025: 18th international conferenceThe world is watchingBrussels, Belgiumhttps://www.cpdpconferences.org/
June 3 - 4, 2025AoIR Flashpoint Symposium 2025: From Platform Governance to Generative AIConcepts, Methods, and Data for Studying Tech GovernanceBremen, Germanyhttps://platform-governance.org/…
September 10 - 12, 20252025 Annual Conference of EPIP – European Policy for Intellectual Property AssociationTurning IP Ambitions into Action: Creating Connections, Collaborations, and CommunitiesAntwerp, Belgiumhttps://event.fourwaves.com/epip…
March 25, 2025The Rising Power of Big TechBig Tech & the State, Media, and DemocracyAmsterdam, The Netherlandshttps://spui25.nl/programma/the-…
March 12 - 13, 2025Algorithmic transparency and the digital rule of lawParis, Francehttps://www.sciencespo.fr/ecole-…
March 7, 2025International Conference on the 30th Anniversary of the Hellenic Copyright OrganizationCopyright in the SpotlightAthens, Greecehttps://opi.gr/en/news/5750/