September 5, 2018Conference: Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists: From a Chilling to an Enabling EnvironmentAmsterdam, The Netherlands
June 29, 2018VMC Studiemiddag: AVG en third party cookies: een onwerkbare situatie?Amsterdam, The Netherlands
June 8, 2018Workshop: Towards inclusive and sustainable protection of traditional cultural expressionsAmsterdam, The Netherlands
June 1, 2018How independent are you really? Updating the INDIREG methodology for future assessments of media regulators’ independence: International workshop (invitation only)Amsterdam, The Netherlands
May 25, 2018ECS Conference: EU copyright, quo vadis ? From the EU copyright package to the challenges of Artificial IntelligenceBrussels, Belgium
February 23, 2018VMC bijeenkomst over de AIVD-hack in RuslandAmsterdam, Nederland
February 12 - 12, 2018Blockchain, Law & Policy workshopAmsterdam, Netherlands
February 2, 2018VvA studiemiddag: Het uitgeversrecht revisitedAmsterdam, The Netherlands
September 12 - 12, 2017IViR Lunchtime talk: Cracking the canon – what does the analysis of 4 million university syllabi teach usAmsterdam, The Netherlands
July 5 - 5, 2017Blockchain and Copyright SymposiumAmsterdam, The Netherlands
May 12, 2017ECS Conference: Building a EU unitary copyrightParis, France