December 9, 2024Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) Keywords Project: CreativityAmsterdam, The Netherlands…
December 6, 2024VMC Studiemiddag – Uitvoering van recente EU-verordeningenOBA OosterdokAmsterdam, The Netherlands
December 4, 2024The Human Right to a Healthy Environment: What Impact on Intellectual Property Laws?IViR WorkshopAmsterdam, The Netherlands
November 28 - 29, 2024Digital Legal Talks 2024Utrecht, The Netherlands…
November 22, 2024IViR Lecture Series: Intellectual Monopoly amid the AI and Cloud AgeIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
October 24, 2024The Impact Of The New EU Data Governance Legal Framework At The Local LevelIViR & TILT City Data Governance ConferenceAmsterdam, The Netherlands…
October 24 - 25, 2024Privacy Law Scholars Conference Europe (PLSC) 2024Amsterdam, The Netherlands
October 22, 2024Book talk: ‘Data Protection Law and Emotion’ by Damian CliffordAmsterdam, The Netherlands
October 18, 2024IViR Lecture Series: Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection, a view from the European Data Protection SupervisorIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
October 18, 2024Studiemiddag VvA: TDM-regels en AI Act – goed nieuws voor auteursrechthebbenden?Amsterdam, The Netherlandshttps://www.verenigingvoorauteur…
October 11, 2024The Politics of Platform RegulationSpui 25Amsterdam, The Netherlands…