October 9, 2024Brinkhof Symposium + uitreiking InternetscriptieprijsAmsterdam, The Netherlandshttps://www.brinkhof.com/eveneme…
October 4, 2024Conferentie 20 jaar master Informatierecht: ‘Het opleiden van evenwichtskunstenaars’Amsterdam, The Netherlands
September 11 - 13, 2024EPIP 2024 Annual Conference: “Intellectual property and the future of the data economy”Pisa, Italyhttps://epip2024.eu/
September 6, 2024Europe’s Digital Agenda: Is the AI Act the Final Act? In Search of Common PrinciplesInternational conferenceBergen, Norwayhttps://www.uib.no/fg/innovasjon…
July 16, 2024International Legal Ethics Pre-Conference 2024Theme: The AI Act and its Implications for Legal Practice: A European PerspectiveAmsterdam, The Netherlandshttps://www.ilec2024.com/wiki/10…
July 8 - 10, 20242024 Annual Conference: The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial IntelligenceMadrid, Spainhttps://www.icon-society.org/ico…
July 8 - 10, 2024TILTing Perspectives 2024“Looking back, moving forward” : Re-assessing technology regulation in digitalized worldsTilburg, The Netherlandshttps://www.tilburguniversity.ed…
June 28, 2024IViR Lecture Series: Freedom of speech on platforms: Lessons to be learned from copyright lawIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
May 24, 20242024 European Copyright Society ConferenceConflict and Trust in the European Copyright SystemFrankfurt, Germanyhttps://www.jura.uni-frankfurt.d…