October 11, 2022IViR Lecture Series: Access to Medicine During Pandemics: Is Compulsory Licensing the Answer?IViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
September 9, 2022IViR Lecture Series: Effective AI regulation in the face of global interdependenceIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
June 28, 2022Festive Symposium 2nd IViR Science Fiction & Information Law short story competitionAmsterdam, https://www.ivir.nl/symposium-2nd-ivir-science-fiction-competition/
June 3, 2022IViR Lecture: Information Policies of the Coronavirus CrisisIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
May 31, 2022IViR Lunch Lecture: Towards a fair balance in the digitised music industry: setting the toneIViR Lunch LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
May 9, 2022Inaugural Lecture Tarlach McGonagle at Leiden University: ‘Free speech in inforuptive times: Revitalizing values and rescuing rightsLeiden, https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/agenda/2020/03/mediarecht-in-de-informatiesamenleving
April 29, 2022IViR Lecture Series: The Influencer Republic: Monetizing Political Speech on Social MediaIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
April 8, 2022International Media Law, Policy & Practice (IMLPP) Conference 2022Amsterdam, https://www.ivir.nl/imlpp2022/
March 25, 2022IViR Lecture Series: (Ir)Responsible Legislature? Speech Risks under the EU’s Rules on Delegated Digital EnforcementIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
February 11, 2022VvA Studiemiddag: Vergoedingen en bescherming van werken van buitenlandse makersonline, http://www.verenigingvoorauteursrecht.nl/wp/?p=1551
February 4, 2022IViR Lecture Series: Empathy in Digital GovernmentIViR LectureAmsterdam, The Netherlands