May 20, 2019Launch of the Information Law and Policy LabAmsterdam, Nederland
April 5, 2019International Media Law, Policy & Practice (IMLPP) Conference 2019Amsterdam, The Netherlands
February 22, 2019Spui 25: Law in the worlds of tomorrow. Science Fiction & Information Law AwardAmsterdam, The Netherlands
February 13, 2019Launch of the HCNM Tallinn Guidelines on National Minorities and the Media in the Digital AgeTallinn, Estonia
February 8, 2019VvA studiemiddag: Copyright and the European Charter: A Balancing Act?Amsterdam, The Netherlands
November 23, 2018VMC Studiemiddag: Wijziging van de Richtlijn Audiovisuele Mediadiensten: een toekomstbestendig raamwerk?Amsterdam, The Netherlands
November 21, 2018Presentation Martin HusovecAmsterdam, The Netherlands
November 1, 2018Uitreiking Internetscriptieprijzen / Themabijeenkomst Internet en rechtsstaatThe Hague, The Netherlands
September 5, 2018Conference: Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists: From a Chilling to an Enabling EnvironmentAmsterdam, The Netherlands
June 29, 2018VMC Studiemiddag: AVG en third party cookies: een onwerkbare situatie?Amsterdam, The Netherlands
June 8, 2018Workshop: Towards inclusive and sustainable protection of traditional cultural expressionsAmsterdam, The Netherlands
June 1, 2018How independent are you really? Updating the INDIREG methodology for future assessments of media regulators’ independence: International workshop (invitation only)Amsterdam, The Netherlands