Annotatie bij Rb Amsterdam 1 november 2019 (Van Uem / De Persgroep) external link

AMI, num: 3-4, pp: 101-105, 2020

Annotaties, Auteursrecht, billijke vergoeding, freelancers, frontpage, Journalistiek


Article{Hugenholtz2020c, title = {Annotatie bij Rb Amsterdam 1 november 2019 (Van Uem / De Persgroep)}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0724}, date = {2020-07-24}, journal = {AMI}, number = {3-4}, keywords = {Annotaties, Auteursrecht, billijke vergoeding, freelancers, frontpage, Journalistiek}, }

Auteursrecht op robotcreaties? Een analyse op basis van de incentivetheorie external link

Buijtelaar, L.D. & Senftleben, M.
AMI, num: 3-4, pp: 77-93, 2020


Vandaag de dag zijn teksten, schilderijen en liedjes niet noodzakelijkerwijs het resultaat van menselijke creativiteit. Geavanceerde robotsystemen zijn in staat om output te genereren die nauwelijks te onderscheiden is van de werken van makers van vlees en bloed. Dit doet de vraag rijzen of door robots gegenereerde creaties in aanmerking kunnen komen voor auteursrechtelijke bescherming. In de volgende analyse staat deze vraag centraal. Na een inleidende bespreking van het traditionele vereiste van menselijke creativiteit in het auteursrecht dienen de ratio’s van auteursrechtelijke bescherming – met name de economische incentivetheorie – als maatstaf om over nut en noodzaak van de toekenning van bescherming te beslissen. Voorts wordt aandacht besteed aan de vraag wie de houder van rechten op robotcreaties zou kunnen zijn. Ten slotte vindt een afweging plaats van de voor- en nadelen van bescherming, mede in het licht van de mogelijkheid om robotcreaties vrij te laten en het publieke domein te verrijken.

Artificial intelligence, Auteursrecht, creativiteit, frontpage, robotica


Article{Buijtelaar2020, title = {Auteursrecht op robotcreaties? Een analyse op basis van de incentivetheorie}, author = {Buijtelaar, L.D. and Senftleben, M.}, url = {}, year = {0724}, date = {2020-07-24}, journal = {AMI}, number = {3-4}, abstract = {Vandaag de dag zijn teksten, schilderijen en liedjes niet noodzakelijkerwijs het resultaat van menselijke creativiteit. Geavanceerde robotsystemen zijn in staat om output te genereren die nauwelijks te onderscheiden is van de werken van makers van vlees en bloed. Dit doet de vraag rijzen of door robots gegenereerde creaties in aanmerking kunnen komen voor auteursrechtelijke bescherming. In de volgende analyse staat deze vraag centraal. Na een inleidende bespreking van het traditionele vereiste van menselijke creativiteit in het auteursrecht dienen de ratio’s van auteursrechtelijke bescherming – met name de economische incentivetheorie – als maatstaf om over nut en noodzaak van de toekenning van bescherming te beslissen. Voorts wordt aandacht besteed aan de vraag wie de houder van rechten op robotcreaties zou kunnen zijn. Ten slotte vindt een afweging plaats van de voor- en nadelen van bescherming, mede in het licht van de mogelijkheid om robotcreaties vrij te laten en het publieke domein te verrijken.}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence, Auteursrecht, creativiteit, frontpage, robotica}, }

The regulation of crypto-assets in the EU – investment and payment tokens under the radar external link

Ferrari, V.
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2020


Based on the guidelines issued by the European Securities and Market Authority and by the European Banking Authority, the article deals with the legal qualification of blockchain-based crypto-assets under EU law. Focusing on crypto-assets that function as a) investment instruments (that is, investment tokens) and as b) electronic money (that is, payment tokens), the work outlines shortages and drawbacks in the applicability and enforcement of existing EU legal frameworks regulating investment activities and payment services. With such analysis, the article seeks to inform the ongoing debate within European institutions on the need of regulatory intervention in this area, and it points out pressing questions to be tackled by further research.

Crypto-assets, cryptocurrencies, enforcement, EU law, financial regulation, fintech, frontpage, Technologie en recht


Article{Ferrari2020, title = {The regulation of crypto-assets in the EU – investment and payment tokens under the radar}, author = {Ferrari, V.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0521}, date = {2020-05-21}, journal = {Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law}, abstract = {Based on the guidelines issued by the European Securities and Market Authority and by the European Banking Authority, the article deals with the legal qualification of blockchain-based crypto-assets under EU law. Focusing on crypto-assets that function as a) investment instruments (that is, investment tokens) and as b) electronic money (that is, payment tokens), the work outlines shortages and drawbacks in the applicability and enforcement of existing EU legal frameworks regulating investment activities and payment services. With such analysis, the article seeks to inform the ongoing debate within European institutions on the need of regulatory intervention in this area, and it points out pressing questions to be tackled by further research.}, keywords = {Crypto-assets, cryptocurrencies, enforcement, EU law, financial regulation, fintech, frontpage, Technologie en recht}, }

Annotatie HvJ EU 2 oktober 2018 (Ministerio Fiscal) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 28, pp: 3753-3754, 2020


Toegang tot door elektronische communicatiedienstaanbieder verwerkte persoonsgegevens alleen gerechtvaardigd als het om ernstig delict gaat. Identificatiegegevens op SIMkaart van gestolen mobiele telefoon ook bij lichtere vormen van criminaliteit toegestaan toegestaan omdat deze op zich zelf geen inzicht geven in de privé communicatie.

Annotaties, elektronische communicatie, frontpage, persoonsgevens, Privacy


Article{Dommering2020h, title = {Annotatie HvJ EU 2 oktober 2018 (Ministerio Fiscal)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0721}, date = {2020-07-21}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {28}, abstract = {Toegang tot door elektronische communicatiedienstaanbieder verwerkte persoonsgegevens alleen gerechtvaardigd als het om ernstig delict gaat. Identificatiegegevens op SIMkaart van gestolen mobiele telefoon ook bij lichtere vormen van criminaliteit toegestaan toegestaan omdat deze op zich zelf geen inzicht geven in de privé communicatie.}, keywords = {Annotaties, elektronische communicatie, frontpage, persoonsgevens, Privacy}, }

Harnessing the collective potential of GDPR access rights: towards an ecology of transparency external link

Mahieu, R. & Ausloos, J.
Internet Policy Review, 2020


The GDPR’s goal of empowering citizens can only be fully realised when the collective dimensions of data subject rights are acknowledged and supported through proper enforcement. The power of the collective use of data subjects’ rights, however, is currently neither acknowledged nor properly enforced. This is the message we sent to the European Commission in response to its call for feedback for its two-year review of the GDPR. In our submission entitled Recognising and Enabling the Collective Dimension of the GDPR and the Right of Access – A call to support the governance structure of checks and balances for informational power asymmetries, we demonstrate the collective potential of GDPR access rights with a long list of real-life examples.

frontpage, GDPR, Privacy, transparantie


Article{Mahieu2020, title = {Harnessing the collective potential of GDPR access rights: towards an ecology of transparency}, author = {Mahieu, R. and Ausloos, J.}, url = {}, year = {0717}, date = {2020-07-17}, journal = {Internet Policy Review}, abstract = {The GDPR’s goal of empowering citizens can only be fully realised when the collective dimensions of data subject rights are acknowledged and supported through proper enforcement. The power of the collective use of data subjects’ rights, however, is currently neither acknowledged nor properly enforced. This is the message we sent to the European Commission in response to its call for feedback for its two-year review of the GDPR. In our submission entitled Recognising and Enabling the Collective Dimension of the GDPR and the Right of Access – A call to support the governance structure of checks and balances for informational power asymmetries, we demonstrate the collective potential of GDPR access rights with a long list of real-life examples.}, keywords = {frontpage, GDPR, Privacy, transparantie}, }

Mediated trust: A theoretical framework to address the trustworthiness of technological trust mediators external link

New Media & Society, 2020


This article considers the impact of digital technologies on the interpersonal and institutional logics of trust production. It introduces the new theoretical concept of technology-mediated trust to analyze the role of complex techno-social assemblages in trust production and distrust management. The first part of the article argues that globalization and digitalization have unleashed a crisis of trust, as traditional institutional and interpersonal logics are not attuned to deal with the risks introduced by the prevalence of digital technologies. In the second part, the article describes how digital intermediation has transformed the traditional logics of interpersonal and institutional trust formation and created new trust-mediating services. Finally, the article asks as follows: why should we trust these technological trust mediators? The conclusion is that at best, it is impossible to establish the trustworthiness of trust mediators, and that at worst, we have no reason to trust them.

digitale technologie, frontpage, Informatierecht, Regulering, trust


Article{Bodó2020b, title = {Mediated trust: A theoretical framework to address the trustworthiness of technological trust mediators}, author = {Bodó, B.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0717}, date = {2020-07-17}, journal = {New Media & Society}, abstract = {This article considers the impact of digital technologies on the interpersonal and institutional logics of trust production. It introduces the new theoretical concept of technology-mediated trust to analyze the role of complex techno-social assemblages in trust production and distrust management. The first part of the article argues that globalization and digitalization have unleashed a crisis of trust, as traditional institutional and interpersonal logics are not attuned to deal with the risks introduced by the prevalence of digital technologies. In the second part, the article describes how digital intermediation has transformed the traditional logics of interpersonal and institutional trust formation and created new trust-mediating services. Finally, the article asks as follows: why should we trust these technological trust mediators? The conclusion is that at best, it is impossible to establish the trustworthiness of trust mediators, and that at worst, we have no reason to trust them.}, keywords = {digitale technologie, frontpage, Informatierecht, Regulering, trust}, }

Challenging rabbit holes: towards more diversity in news recommendation systems external link

Helberger, N., Bernstein, A., Schulz, W. & Vreese, C.H. de
LSE Media Blog, 2020


Access to diverse sources of news and information is more important than ever in this time of global crisis, yet far too often, people can find themselves diving into ‘rabbit holes’ of information and opinion that are hard to escape. Here, the following authors provide an in depth assessment of how algorithmic recommendation systems for news can play a more constructive role in a diverse media landscape.

frontpage, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, nieuws, recommender systems


Article{Helberger2020e, title = {Challenging rabbit holes: towards more diversity in news recommendation systems}, author = {Helberger, N. and Bernstein, A. and Schulz, W. and Vreese, C.H. de}, url = {}, year = {0716}, date = {2020-07-16}, journal = {LSE Media Blog}, abstract = {Access to diverse sources of news and information is more important than ever in this time of global crisis, yet far too often, people can find themselves diving into ‘rabbit holes’ of information and opinion that are hard to escape. Here, the following authors provide an in depth assessment of how algorithmic recommendation systems for news can play a more constructive role in a diverse media landscape.}, keywords = {frontpage, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, nieuws, recommender systems}, }

The Political Power of Platforms: How Current Attempts to Regulate Misinformation Amplify Opinion Power external link

Digital Journalism, vol. 8, num: 6, pp: 842-854, 2020


This contribution critically reviews the ongoing policy initiatives in Europe to impose greater societal responsibility on social media platforms. I discuss the current regulatory approach of treating social platforms as mere 'intermediaries' of the speech of others and propose a different perspective. Instead of perceiving platforms as intermediaries and facilitators of the speech of others, I view social media platforms as active political actors in their own right, and wielders of considerable opinion power. I will explain how taking the perspective of opinion power throws a very different, and rather alarming light on the recent regulatory initiatives.

europe, frontpage, Mediarecht, opinion power, pluralism, Regulation, Social media platforms


Article{Helberger2020d, title = {The Political Power of Platforms: How Current Attempts to Regulate Misinformation Amplify Opinion Power}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0714}, date = {2020-07-14}, journal = {Digital Journalism}, volume = {8}, number = {6}, pages = {842-854}, abstract = {This contribution critically reviews the ongoing policy initiatives in Europe to impose greater societal responsibility on social media platforms. I discuss the current regulatory approach of treating social platforms as mere \'intermediaries\' of the speech of others and propose a different perspective. Instead of perceiving platforms as intermediaries and facilitators of the speech of others, I view social media platforms as active political actors in their own right, and wielders of considerable opinion power. I will explain how taking the perspective of opinion power throws a very different, and rather alarming light on the recent regulatory initiatives.}, keywords = {europe, frontpage, Mediarecht, opinion power, pluralism, Regulation, Social media platforms}, }

Technologiereuzen moeten zeggen hoe ze ons gedrag bepalen en zo dwingen we dat af external link


Vandaag verschijnt een rapport met aanbevelingen voor de Europese Commissie. Dat zet uiteen hoe onlineplatformen verplicht kunnen worden om aan bepaalde transparantie-eisen te voldoen. Jef Ausloos is hoofdauteur van het rapport en bepleit waarom zo'n kader nodig is. "Transparantie is van cruciaal belang om donkere kantjes in kaart te brengen, zodat we collectief kunnen bepalen waar en hoe we de groeiende macht van onlineplatformen moeten inperken."



Article{Ausloos2020c, title = {Technologiereuzen moeten zeggen hoe ze ons gedrag bepalen en zo dwingen we dat af}, author = {Ausloos, J.}, url = {}, year = {0625}, date = {2020-06-25}, abstract = {Vandaag verschijnt een rapport met aanbevelingen voor de Europese Commissie. Dat zet uiteen hoe onlineplatformen verplicht kunnen worden om aan bepaalde transparantie-eisen te voldoen. Jef Ausloos is hoofdauteur van het rapport en bepleit waarom zo\'n kader nodig is. "Transparantie is van cruciaal belang om donkere kantjes in kaart te brengen, zodat we collectief kunnen bepalen waar en hoe we de groeiende macht van onlineplatformen moeten inperken."}, keywords = {frontpage}, }

Hungary’s fast tracked implementation of Article 5 CDSM directive in response to the pandemic external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020

Auteursrecht, Digital Single Market Directive, frontpage, Hongarije


Article{Keller2020c, title = {Hungary’s fast tracked implementation of Article 5 CDSM directive in response to the pandemic}, author = {Keller, P.}, url = {}, year = {0626}, date = {2020-06-26}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Digital Single Market Directive, frontpage, Hongarije}, }