European Regulation of Smartphone Ecosystems external link

European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL), vol. 5, num: 4, pp: 476-491, 2019


For the first time, two pieces of EU legislation will specifically target smartphone ecosystems in relation to smartphone and mobile software (eg, iOS and Android) privacy, and use and monetisation of data. And yet, both pieces of legislation approach data use and data monetisation from radically contrasting perspectives. The first is the proposed ePrivacy Regulation, which seeks to provide enhanced protection against user data monitoring and tracking in smartphones, and safeguard privacy in electronic communications. On the other hand, the recently enacted Platform-to-Business Regulation 2019, seeks to bring fairness to platform-business user relations (including app stores and app developers), and is crucially built upon the premise that the ability to access and use data, including personal data, can enable important value creation in the online platform economy. This article discusses how these two Regulations will apply to smartphone ecosystems, especially relating to user and device privacy. The article analyses the potential tension points between the two sets of rules, which result from the underlying policy objectives of safeguarding privacy in electronic communications and the functioning of the digital economy in the emerging era of platform governance. The article concludes with a discussion on how to address these issues, at the intersection of privacy and competition in the digital platform economy.

frontpage, governance, Platforms, Privacy, Regulering, smartphones


Article{Fahy2019eb, title = {European Regulation of Smartphone Ecosystems}, author = {Fahy, R. and van Hoboken, J.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {1213}, date = {2019-12-13}, journal = {European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL)}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {476-491}, abstract = {For the first time, two pieces of EU legislation will specifically target smartphone ecosystems in relation to smartphone and mobile software (eg, iOS and Android) privacy, and use and monetisation of data. And yet, both pieces of legislation approach data use and data monetisation from radically contrasting perspectives. The first is the proposed ePrivacy Regulation, which seeks to provide enhanced protection against user data monitoring and tracking in smartphones, and safeguard privacy in electronic communications. On the other hand, the recently enacted Platform-to-Business Regulation 2019, seeks to bring fairness to platform-business user relations (including app stores and app developers), and is crucially built upon the premise that the ability to access and use data, including personal data, can enable important value creation in the online platform economy. This article discusses how these two Regulations will apply to smartphone ecosystems, especially relating to user and device privacy. The article analyses the potential tension points between the two sets of rules, which result from the underlying policy objectives of safeguarding privacy in electronic communications and the functioning of the digital economy in the emerging era of platform governance. The article concludes with a discussion on how to address these issues, at the intersection of privacy and competition in the digital platform economy.}, keywords = {frontpage, governance, Platforms, Privacy, Regulering, smartphones}, }

Kroniek Telecommunicatierecht external link

KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi, num: 153, pp: 9001-9002, 2019

frontpage, Kronieken, Telecommunicatierecht


Article{vanEijk2019d, title = {Kroniek Telecommunicatierecht}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {1212}, date = {2019-12-12}, journal = {KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi}, number = {153}, keywords = {frontpage, Kronieken, Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie 3 oktober 2019 (Facebook / Glawischnig) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 48/49, pp: 7206-7208, 2019


E-Commerce richtlijn verbiedt niet een wereldwijd verbod van informatie op een platform. Discretionaire bevoegdheid nationale rechter.

Annotaties, e-commerce, frontpage, Platforms


Article{Dommering2019j, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie 3 oktober 2019 (Facebook / Glawischnig)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1210}, date = {2019-12-10}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {48/49}, abstract = {E-Commerce richtlijn verbiedt niet een wereldwijd verbod van informatie op een platform. Discretionaire bevoegdheid nationale rechter.}, keywords = {Annotaties, e-commerce, frontpage, Platforms}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 24 september 2019 (Google / Frankrijk II) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 48/49, pp: 7197-7200, 2019


Geen verplichting om een zoekresultaat wereldwijd te corrigeren.

Annotaties, frontpage, zoekmachines


Article{Dommering2019i, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 24 september 2019 (Google / Frankrijk II)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1210}, date = {2019-12-10}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {48/49}, abstract = {Geen verplichting om een zoekresultaat wereldwijd te corrigeren.}, keywords = {Annotaties, frontpage, zoekmachines}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 24 september 2019 (Google / Frankrijk) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 48/49, pp: 7182-7185, 2019


Verantwoordelijkheid zoekmachine bij het produceren van zoekresultaat met gegevens over strafrechtelijke veroordeling.

Annotaties, frontpage, Strafrecht, zoekmachines


Article{Dommering2019h, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 24 september 2019 (Google / Frankrijk)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1210}, date = {2019-12-10}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {48/49}, abstract = {Verantwoordelijkheid zoekmachine bij het produceren van zoekresultaat met gegevens over strafrechtelijke veroordeling.}, keywords = {Annotaties, frontpage, Strafrecht, zoekmachines}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 14 februari 2019 (Letland / Buivids) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 48/49, pp: 7166-7168, 2019


Video opnamen door verdachte tijdens politieverhoor. Journalistieke exceptie van AVG van toepassing?

Annotaties, AVG, frontpage, Journalistiek, Mediarecht


Article{Dommering2019g, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 14 februari 2019 (Letland / Buivids)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1210}, date = {2019-12-10}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {48/49}, abstract = {Video opnamen door verdachte tijdens politieverhoor. Journalistieke exceptie van AVG van toepassing?}, keywords = {Annotaties, AVG, frontpage, Journalistiek, Mediarecht}, }

Fundamental rights review of EU data collection instruments and programmes external link

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini & Irion, K.


This report is the result of a Pilot Project requested by the European Parliament, managed by the Commission and carried out by a group of independent experts. The scope of the project was to establish and support an independent experts’ group to carry out a fundamental rights review of existing EU legislation and instruments in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) that involve the collection, retention, storage or transfer of personal data. One outcome of the project is a database of AFSJ legislation and instruments with individual fundamental rights assessments (at The final report concludes that that fundamental rights safeguards need to be more consistently considered and applied in the AFSJ. The conclusions highlight five broad issues for further consideration: ambiguous definitions and open terms; law enforcement access to migration databases; the expansion of centralised databases; data retention periods; and information rights and duties.

Area of Freedom, EU databases, EU law, frontpage, Fundamental rights, Personal data, Privacy, Security and Justice


Online publication{Brodolini2019, title = {Fundamental rights review of EU data collection instruments and programmes}, author = {Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini and Irion, K.}, url = {}, year = {1204}, date = {2019-12-04}, abstract = {This report is the result of a Pilot Project requested by the European Parliament, managed by the Commission and carried out by a group of independent experts. The scope of the project was to establish and support an independent experts’ group to carry out a fundamental rights review of existing EU legislation and instruments in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) that involve the collection, retention, storage or transfer of personal data. One outcome of the project is a database of AFSJ legislation and instruments with individual fundamental rights assessments (at The final report concludes that that fundamental rights safeguards need to be more consistently considered and applied in the AFSJ. The conclusions highlight five broad issues for further consideration: ambiguous definitions and open terms; law enforcement access to migration databases; the expansion of centralised databases; data retention periods; and information rights and duties.}, keywords = {Area of Freedom, EU databases, EU law, frontpage, Fundamental rights, Personal data, Privacy, Security and Justice}, }

Kroniek Persrecht 2018 external link

Volgenant, O. & McGonagle, T.
Mediaforum, vol. 2019, num: 5, pp: 167-169, 2019


In 2018 was veiligheid van journalisten een belangrijk thema. Serieuze aanslagen op de gebouwen van De Telegraaf en Panorama. Individuele journalisten die ernstig werden bedreigd vanuit de hoek van de georganiseerde criminaliteit. Het resulteerde in een convenant met afspraken over geweld en agressie tegen journalisten. 2018 was ook het jaar waarin – eindelijk – het recht op journalistieke bronbescherming wettelijk werd verankerd.

frontpage, kroniek, Mediarecht, Persrecht


Article{Volgenant2019b, title = {Kroniek Persrecht 2018}, author = {Volgenant, O. and McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {1129}, date = {2019-11-29}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2019}, number = {5}, pages = {167-169}, abstract = {In 2018 was veiligheid van journalisten een belangrijk thema. Serieuze aanslagen op de gebouwen van De Telegraaf en Panorama. Individuele journalisten die ernstig werden bedreigd vanuit de hoek van de georganiseerde criminaliteit. Het resulteerde in een convenant met afspraken over geweld en agressie tegen journalisten. 2018 was ook het jaar waarin – eindelijk – het recht op journalistieke bronbescherming wettelijk werd verankerd.}, keywords = {frontpage, kroniek, Mediarecht, Persrecht}, }

Justitie toegang geven tot versleutelde chatberichten is geen goed idee external link

Trouw, 2019

frontpage, Privacy


Article{vanDaalen2019b, title = {Justitie toegang geven tot versleutelde chatberichten is geen goed idee}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {}, year = {1108}, date = {2019-11-08}, journal = {Trouw}, keywords = {frontpage, Privacy}, }

Elections and media in digital times external link

McGonagle, T., Bednarski, M., Francese Coutinho, M. & Zimin, A.


The study zooms in on a key issue related to the 2019 World Press Freedom Day theme, which focused on “Media for Democracy: Journalism and Elections in Times of Disinformation”. New digitally-enabled tactics in political funding, campaigning and advertising, are often lacking in transparency. Meanwhile journalists, whose output can empower the electorate, are under increasing attack. It is against this backdrop that this Report identifies recent trends on disinformation, attacks on the safety of journalists, and disruption in election communications. The report lists possible responses in order to safeguard media freedom and integrity while strengthening news reportage on elections in digital times.

desinformatie, frontpage, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, transparantie, verkiezingen


Report{McGonagle2019h, title = {Elections and media in digital times}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Bednarski, M. and Francese Coutinho, M. and Zimin, A.}, url = {}, year = {1121}, date = {2019-11-21}, abstract = {The study zooms in on a key issue related to the 2019 World Press Freedom Day theme, which focused on “Media for Democracy: Journalism and Elections in Times of Disinformation”. New digitally-enabled tactics in political funding, campaigning and advertising, are often lacking in transparency. Meanwhile journalists, whose output can empower the electorate, are under increasing attack. It is against this backdrop that this Report identifies recent trends on disinformation, attacks on the safety of journalists, and disruption in election communications. The report lists possible responses in order to safeguard media freedom and integrity while strengthening news reportage on elections in digital times.}, keywords = {desinformatie, frontpage, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, transparantie, verkiezingen}, }