Waar het wringt: zoekmachines en hyperlinks als mededeling aan het publiek external link

AMI, vol. 2018, num: 3, pp: 103-109, 2018


De recente jurisprudentie van het Hof van Justitie van de EU over de vraag of een hyperlink kwalificeert als mededeling aan het publiek, heeft al een hoop stof doen opwaaien. De gevolgen die deze uitspraken zouden kunnen hebben voor zoekmachines zijn tot op heden echter onderbelicht gebleven. Deze bijdrage bevat een analyse van de juridische positie van zoekmachines in het licht van de recente jurisprudentie.

Auteursrecht, frontpage, hyperlink, hyperlinking, mededeling aan het publiek, zoekmachines


Article{vanTil2018, title = {Waar het wringt: zoekmachines en hyperlinks als mededeling aan het publiek}, author = {Til, G. van}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/artikel-Gijs-van-Til_AMI-2018-3.pdf}, year = {0619}, date = {2018-06-19}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2018}, number = {3}, pages = {103-109}, abstract = {De recente jurisprudentie van het Hof van Justitie van de EU over de vraag of een hyperlink kwalificeert als mededeling aan het publiek, heeft al een hoop stof doen opwaaien. De gevolgen die deze uitspraken zouden kunnen hebben voor zoekmachines zijn tot op heden echter onderbelicht gebleven. Deze bijdrage bevat een analyse van de juridische positie van zoekmachines in het licht van de recente jurisprudentie.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, hyperlink, hyperlinking, mededeling aan het publiek, zoekmachines}, }

Untangling the Hyperlinking Web: In Search of the Online Right of Communication to the Public external link

Journal of World Intellectual Property (forthcoming), vol. 2018, pp: 1-36, 2018


This article examines the online right of communication to the public under EUlaw and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The focus of the analysis is on the controversial application of the right to hyperlinking, and its implications for the online activities of users and intermediaries. After outlining the international and EU legal framework on the right of communication to the public, the article advances a conceptual framework for the interpretation of the exclusive right in the online environment, which is both based on, and attempts to bring coherence to, the Court's complex case law. On this basis, the article then explores and critically assesses the main areas of legal uncertainty for the online application of the right and the normative considerations at stake—especially fundamental rights and the promotion of technological development—offering interpretative and legislative solutions for their resolution. The article argues for abandoning the legislative proposals for a new right for press publishers and the so-called value gap, as both are fundamentally flawed. Instead, reform should focus on redefining the right of communication to the public and preserving safe harbors, especially for hosting providers.

Copyright, EU law, frontpage, hyperlinking, intermediary liability, right of communication to the public


Article{Quintais2018c, title = {Untangling the Hyperlinking Web: In Search of the Online Right of Communication to the Public}, author = {Quintais, J.}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jwip.12107}, year = {0621}, date = {2018-06-21}, journal = {Journal of World Intellectual Property (forthcoming)}, volume = {2018}, pages = {1-36}, abstract = {This article examines the online right of communication to the public under EUlaw and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The focus of the analysis is on the controversial application of the right to hyperlinking, and its implications for the online activities of users and intermediaries. After outlining the international and EU legal framework on the right of communication to the public, the article advances a conceptual framework for the interpretation of the exclusive right in the online environment, which is both based on, and attempts to bring coherence to, the Court\'s complex case law. On this basis, the article then explores and critically assesses the main areas of legal uncertainty for the online application of the right and the normative considerations at stake—especially fundamental rights and the promotion of technological development—offering interpretative and legislative solutions for their resolution. The article argues for abandoning the legislative proposals for a new right for press publishers and the so-called value gap, as both are fundamentally flawed. Instead, reform should focus on redefining the right of communication to the public and preserving safe harbors, especially for hosting providers.}, keywords = {Copyright, EU law, frontpage, hyperlinking, intermediary liability, right of communication to the public}, }

Effects of Supplementary Protection Mechanisms for Pharmaceutical Products external link

Jongh, T. de, Radauer, A., Bostyn, S. & Poort, J.

bescherming, frontpage, Intellectuele eigendom, medicijnen, pharmaceutische industrie


Report{Jongh2018, title = {Effects of Supplementary Protection Mechanisms for Pharmaceutical Products}, author = {Jongh, T. de and Radauer, A. and Bostyn, S. and Poort, J.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/effects-of-supplementary-protection-mechanisms-for-pharmaceutical-products.pdf}, year = {0619}, date = {2018-06-19}, keywords = {bescherming, frontpage, Intellectuele eigendom, medicijnen, pharmaceutische industrie}, }

‘Stedelijk in gevaar door noodlottige ingrepen gemeente’ external link

Het Parool, 2018



Article{Dommering2018h, title = {‘Stedelijk in gevaar door noodlottige ingrepen gemeente’}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {https://www.parool.nl/opinie/-stedelijk-in-gevaar-door-noodlottige-ingrepen-gemeente~a4599864/}, year = {0614}, date = {2018-06-14}, journal = {Het Parool}, keywords = {frontpage}, }

Annotatie bij EHRM 22 februari 2018 (Alpha Doryforiki Tileorasi Anonymi Etairia / Griekenland) external link

European Human Rights Cases, vol. 2018, num: 6, 2018

Art. 10 EVRM, Art. 8 EVRM, Case notes, frontpage


Article{McGonagle2018b, title = {Annotatie bij EHRM 22 februari 2018 (Alpha Doryforiki Tileorasi Anonymi Etairia / Griekenland)}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Annotatie_EHRC_2018_6.pdf}, year = {0601}, date = {2018-06-01}, journal = {European Human Rights Cases}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {}, keywords = {Art. 10 EVRM, Art. 8 EVRM, Case notes, frontpage}, }

The cultural role(s) of collective management organizations external link

European Intellectual Property Review, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 349-356, 2018


Collective management organizations (CMOs) are, first and foremost, copyright and related rights licensing bodies managing vast sums of money. That does not, however, define the entire scope of their activities. For example, the 2014 EU Directive on collective management notes that CMOS "play, and should continue to play, an important role as promoters of the diversity of cultural expression". This article explains and evaluates the cultural functions that CMOs play.

collective management organizations, Copyright, frontpage


Article{Gervais2018, title = {The cultural role(s) of collective management organizations}, author = {Gervais, D.J.}, year = {0524}, date = {2018-05-24}, journal = {European Intellectual Property Review}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {349-356}, abstract = {Collective management organizations (CMOs) are, first and foremost, copyright and related rights licensing bodies managing vast sums of money. That does not, however, define the entire scope of their activities. For example, the 2014 EU Directive on collective management notes that CMOS "play, and should continue to play, an important role as promoters of the diversity of cultural expression". This article explains and evaluates the cultural functions that CMOs play.}, keywords = {collective management organizations, Copyright, frontpage}, }

Must carry on: Onderzoek naar aanpassing van de mediawettelijke doorgifteverplichting external link

Schelven, R. van, Wolters, L., Modderman, P., Rutten, P., Poort, J., van Eijk, N. & Visser, F.

doorgifteverplichting, frontpage, mediawet, must carry


Report{vanSchelven2018, title = {Must carry on: Onderzoek naar aanpassing van de mediawettelijke doorgifteverplichting}, author = {Schelven, R. van and Wolters, L. and Modderman, P. and Rutten, P. and Poort, J. and van Eijk, N. and Visser, F.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Must_carry_on.pdf}, year = {0524}, date = {2018-05-24}, keywords = {doorgifteverplichting, frontpage, mediawet, must carry}, }

Health as a Means Towards Profitable Ends: mHealth Apps, User Autonomy, and Unfair Commercial Practices external link

Sax, M., Helberger, N. & Bol, N.
Journal of Consumer Policy, vol. 41, num: 2, pp: 103-134, 2018


In this article, we discuss mHealth apps and their potential to influence the user’s behaviour in increasingly persuasive ways. More specifically, we call attention to the fact that mHealth apps often seek to not only influence the health behaviour of users but also their economic behaviour by merging health and commercial content in ways that are hard to detect. We argue that (1) such merging of health and commercial content raises specific questions concerning the autonomy of mHealth app users, and (2) consumer law offers a promising legal lens to address questions concerning user protection in this context. Based on an empirically informed ethical analysis of autonomy, we develop a fine-grained framework that incorporates three different requirements for autonomy that we call “independence,” “authenticity,” and “options.” This framework also differentiates between three different stages of mHealth app use, namely installing, starting to use, and continuing to use an app. As a result, user autonomy can be analysed in a nuanced and precise manner. Since the concept of autonomy plays a prominent, yet poorly understood role in unfair commercial practice law, we utilize the ethical analysis of autonomy to guide our legal analysis of the proper application of unfair commercial practice law in the mHealth app domain.

autonomy, frontpage, manipulation, mHealth apps, Oneerlijke mededinging, representative survey data, unfair commercial practices


Article{Sax2018, title = {Health as a Means Towards Profitable Ends: mHealth Apps, User Autonomy, and Unfair Commercial Practices}, author = {Sax, M. and Helberger, N. and Bol, N.}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10603-018-9374-3}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10603-018-9374-3}, year = {0522}, date = {2018-05-22}, journal = {Journal of Consumer Policy}, volume = {41}, number = {2}, pages = {103-134}, abstract = {In this article, we discuss mHealth apps and their potential to influence the user’s behaviour in increasingly persuasive ways. More specifically, we call attention to the fact that mHealth apps often seek to not only influence the health behaviour of users but also their economic behaviour by merging health and commercial content in ways that are hard to detect. We argue that (1) such merging of health and commercial content raises specific questions concerning the autonomy of mHealth app users, and (2) consumer law offers a promising legal lens to address questions concerning user protection in this context. Based on an empirically informed ethical analysis of autonomy, we develop a fine-grained framework that incorporates three different requirements for autonomy that we call “independence,” “authenticity,” and “options.” This framework also differentiates between three different stages of mHealth app use, namely installing, starting to use, and continuing to use an app. As a result, user autonomy can be analysed in a nuanced and precise manner. Since the concept of autonomy plays a prominent, yet poorly understood role in unfair commercial practice law, we utilize the ethical analysis of autonomy to guide our legal analysis of the proper application of unfair commercial practice law in the mHealth app domain.}, keywords = {autonomy, frontpage, manipulation, mHealth apps, Oneerlijke mededinging, representative survey data, unfair commercial practices}, }