Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats bei der Einrichtung einer Facebook-Seite external link

Irion, K. & Kohte, W.
Juristische Rundschau, vol. 2018, num: 3, 2018

annotation, frontpage, Germany, labour law


Newspaper article{Irion2018, title = {Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats bei der Einrichtung einer Facebook-Seite}, author = {Irion, K. and Kohte, W.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0320}, date = {2018-03-20}, journal = {Juristische Rundschau}, volume = {2018}, number = {3}, pages = {}, keywords = {annotation, frontpage, Germany, labour law}, }

Annotatie bij Rb Amsterdam 9 augustus 2017 (Davids / Riot Games Europe) & Rb Amsterdam 6 december 2017 (Verstappen / Karakter Uitgevers) external link

AMI, vol. 2018, num: 1, pp: 43-44, 2018

Auteursrecht, frontpage, portretrecht, redelijke vergoeding


Article{Dommering2018d, title = {Annotatie bij Rb Amsterdam 9 augustus 2017 (Davids / Riot Games Europe) & Rb Amsterdam 6 december 2017 (Verstappen / Karakter Uitgevers)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0315}, date = {2018-03-15}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2018}, number = {1}, pages = {43-44}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, portretrecht, redelijke vergoeding}, }

Copyright reform: a new right for press publishers – to have or not to have? external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2018

Copyright, frontpage, press, publishers' right


Article{Coche2018b, title = {Copyright reform: a new right for press publishers – to have or not to have?}, author = {Coche, E.}, url = {}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-03-15}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Copyright, frontpage, press, publishers' right}, }

Annotatie bij EHRM 27 juni 2017 (Satakunnan Markkinapörssi Oy & Satamedia Oy / Finland) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, vol. 2018, num: 8, pp: 984-987, 2018


In Finland mogen openbare fiscale inkomensgegevens niet onbeperkt worden gepubliceerd: er moet een afweging plaatsvinden welk algemeen belang daarmee is gediend. Deze afweging is vergelijkbaar met die voor algemene privacy inbreuken door de pers geldt.

Annotaties, Art. 10 EVRM, frontpage, Privacy, publiek debat, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Dommering2018c, title = {Annotatie bij EHRM 27 juni 2017 (Satakunnan Markkinapörssi Oy & Satamedia Oy / Finland)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0313}, date = {2018-03-13}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, volume = {2018}, number = {8}, pages = {984-987}, abstract = {In Finland mogen openbare fiscale inkomensgegevens niet onbeperkt worden gepubliceerd: er moet een afweging plaatsvinden welk algemeen belang daarmee is gediend. Deze afweging is vergelijkbaar met die voor algemene privacy inbreuken door de pers geldt.}, keywords = {Annotaties, Art. 10 EVRM, frontpage, Privacy, publiek debat, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Kroniek Mediarecht external link

KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi, vol. 2018, num: 146, pp: 8563-8565, 2018

frontpage, Kronieken, Mediarecht


Article{Breemen2018b, title = {Kroniek Mediarecht}, author = {Breemen, V.}, url = {}, year = {0313}, date = {2018-03-13}, journal = {KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi}, volume = {2018}, number = {146}, pages = {8563-8565}, keywords = {frontpage, Kronieken, Mediarecht}, }

Kroniek Telecommunicatierecht external link

KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi, num: 146, pp: 8565-8566, 2018

frontpage, Kronieken, Telecommunicatierecht


Article{vanEijk2018b, title = {Kroniek Telecommunicatierecht}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0313}, date = {2018-03-13}, journal = {KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi}, number = {146}, keywords = {frontpage, Kronieken, Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Do not blame it on the algorithm: an empirical assessment of multiple recommender systems and their impact on content diversity external link

Möller, J., Trilling, D., Helberger, N. & Es, B. van
Information, Communication & Society, 2018


In the debate about filter bubbles caused by algorithmic news recommendation, the conceptualization of the two core concepts in this debate, diversity and algorithms, has received little attention in social scientific research. This paper examines the effect of multiple recommender systems on different diversity dimensions. To this end, it maps different values that diversity can serve, and a respective set of criteria that characterizes a diverse information offer in this particular conception of diversity. We make use of a data set of simulated article recommendations based on actual content of one of the major Dutch broadsheet newspapers and its users (N=21,973 articles, N=500 users). We find that all of the recommendation logics under study proved to lead to a rather diverse set of recommendations that are on par with human editors and that basing recommendations on user histories can substantially increase topic diversity within a recommendation set.

algoritmes, automated content classification, diversity metrics, filter bubbles, frontpage, news, recommender systems


Article{Möller2018, title = {Do not blame it on the algorithm: an empirical assessment of multiple recommender systems and their impact on content diversity}, author = {Möller, J. and Trilling, D. and Helberger, N. and Es, B. van}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0308}, date = {2018-03-08}, journal = {Information, Communication & Society}, abstract = {In the debate about filter bubbles caused by algorithmic news recommendation, the conceptualization of the two core concepts in this debate, diversity and algorithms, has received little attention in social scientific research. This paper examines the effect of multiple recommender systems on different diversity dimensions. To this end, it maps different values that diversity can serve, and a respective set of criteria that characterizes a diverse information offer in this particular conception of diversity. We make use of a data set of simulated article recommendations based on actual content of one of the major Dutch broadsheet newspapers and its users (N=21,973 articles, N=500 users). We find that all of the recommendation logics under study proved to lead to a rather diverse set of recommendations that are on par with human editors and that basing recommendations on user histories can substantially increase topic diversity within a recommendation set.}, keywords = {algoritmes, automated content classification, diversity metrics, filter bubbles, frontpage, news, recommender systems}, }

Dutch National Security Reform Under Review: Sufficient Checks and Balances in the Intelligence and Security Services Act 2017? external link

Eijkman, Q., van Eijk, N. & Schaik, R. van

checks and balances, frontpage, intelligence and security services act, Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Wiv)


Report{Eijkman2018, title = {Dutch National Security Reform Under Review: Sufficient Checks and Balances in the Intelligence and Security Services Act 2017?}, author = {Eijkman, Q. and van Eijk, N. and Schaik, R. van}, url = {}, year = {0308}, date = {2018-03-08}, keywords = {checks and balances, frontpage, intelligence and security services act, Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Wiv)}, }

De Intocht van Boniklasius in Dokkum, dertien eeuwen later external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2017, num: 7/8, pp: 217, 2018

demonstraties, frontpage, openbare orde, Privacy, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Dommering2018b, title = {De Intocht van Boniklasius in Dokkum, dertien eeuwen later}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0213}, date = {2018-02-13}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2017}, number = {7/8}, pages = {217}, keywords = {demonstraties, frontpage, openbare orde, Privacy, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

“Reformist Departure”: Questions Referred by the Bundesgerichtshof to the CJEU on the Reporting of Current Events and Quotation Exceptions external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2018


The exceptions for reporting of current events and quotation facilitate the functioning of the media. On 27 July 2017, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) submitted several questions to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU or Court) on the balance between copyright exceptions and the fundamental freedoms of information and the media, as well as the exceptions for quotation and reporting of current events. In answering these questions, the CJEU may well shed light on the open-ended drafting of these exceptions.

Auteursrecht, case law, CJEU, European Union, frontpage, Germany, infringement, limitations


Article{Zeybek2018, title = {“Reformist Departure”: Questions Referred by the Bundesgerichtshof to the CJEU on the Reporting of Current Events and Quotation Exceptions}, author = {Zeybek, B.}, url = {}, year = {0213}, date = {2018-02-13}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, abstract = {The exceptions for reporting of current events and quotation facilitate the functioning of the media. On 27 July 2017, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) submitted several questions to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU or Court) on the balance between copyright exceptions and the fundamental freedoms of information and the media, as well as the exceptions for quotation and reporting of current events. In answering these questions, the CJEU may well shed light on the open-ended drafting of these exceptions.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, case law, CJEU, European Union, frontpage, Germany, infringement, limitations}, }