The Software Interface between Copyright and Competition Law: A Legal Analysis of Interoperability in Computer Programs

Rooijen, A. van
2010, Series: Information Law Series, ISBN: 9789041131935


The success of computer programs often depends on their ability to interoperate – or communicate – with other systems. In proprietary software development, however, the need to protect access to source code, including the interface information necessary for interoperability, is of vital importance. This apparent conflict gives rise to a complex interaction between copyright law and competition law, as the strong need for interoperability in computer programs affects both innovation and competition. This important book offers the first in-depth analysis of the current respective copyright and competition law approaches to interoperability. With respect to copyright law, the book offers an in-depth analysis of how copyright law has been applied to computer programs, how this form of protection affects interoperability, and how the European Software Directive – including its interpretation by courts in Member States – aims to facilitate interoperability. With respect to competition law, the author critically analyzes the application of Article 102 of the TFEU to refusals to supply interface information, including a discussion on the tension between copyright and competition law. The author also examines the substantial body of U.S. case law and accompanying literature on the interplay between copyright law, software and interoperability. Based further on a comparison with relevant ex-ante interconnection rules in European design protection law and telecommunications law, the author advances several recommendations aimed at facilitating interoperability in software copyright law. Three interrelated approaches combine to convey an integrated and immediately accessible understanding of the subject: • how interoperability affects the balance between innovation and free competition in software ; • which of two regimes – copyright law or competition law – should primarily be concerned with striking this balance as affected by interoperability; and • which particular instruments are suitable to approach this problem within these respective regimes. Because of the in-depth analysis of the software interoperability problem with related legal disciplines in both Europe and the United States, and due to the clarity of the presentation, this will be welcomed as a valuable resource by practitioners, jurists, and academics concerned with copyright protection of computer software, interoperability and the interaction between copyright and competition law.

Auteursrecht, Kluwer Information Law Series, Software


Book{ILS20, title = {The Software Interface between Copyright and Competition Law: A Legal Analysis of Interoperability in Computer Programs}, author = {Rooijen, A. van}, year = {2010}, date = {2010-01-01}, abstract = {The success of computer programs often depends on their ability to interoperate – or communicate – with other systems. In proprietary software development, however, the need to protect access to source code, including the interface information necessary for interoperability, is of vital importance. This apparent conflict gives rise to a complex interaction between copyright law and competition law, as the strong need for interoperability in computer programs affects both innovation and competition. This important book offers the first in-depth analysis of the current respective copyright and competition law approaches to interoperability. With respect to copyright law, the book offers an in-depth analysis of how copyright law has been applied to computer programs, how this form of protection affects interoperability, and how the European Software Directive – including its interpretation by courts in Member States – aims to facilitate interoperability. With respect to competition law, the author critically analyzes the application of Article 102 of the TFEU to refusals to supply interface information, including a discussion on the tension between copyright and competition law. The author also examines the substantial body of U.S. case law and accompanying literature on the interplay between copyright law, software and interoperability. Based further on a comparison with relevant ex-ante interconnection rules in European design protection law and telecommunications law, the author advances several recommendations aimed at facilitating interoperability in software copyright law. Three interrelated approaches combine to convey an integrated and immediately accessible understanding of the subject: • how interoperability affects the balance between innovation and free competition in software ; • which of two regimes – copyright law or competition law – should primarily be concerned with striking this balance as affected by interoperability; and • which particular instruments are suitable to approach this problem within these respective regimes. Because of the in-depth analysis of the software interoperability problem with related legal disciplines in both Europe and the United States, and due to the clarity of the presentation, this will be welcomed as a valuable resource by practitioners, jurists, and academics concerned with copyright protection of computer software, interoperability and the interaction between copyright and competition law.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Kluwer Information Law Series, Software}, }

BGH: uploading a free-trial version of Microsoft Office is also making available to the public external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020

case law, Copyright, Germany, infringement, Software


Article{Bouchè2020, title = {BGH: uploading a free-trial version of Microsoft Office is also making available to the public}, author = {Bouchè, G.}, url = {}, year = {0225}, date = {2020-02-25}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {case law, Copyright, Germany, infringement, Software}, }

Óók soft- en hardware die niet uit China komen zijn notoir onveilig. Hacken is het probleem, niet Huawei external link

China, encryptie, frontpage, Software, spionage


Article{vanDaalen2019, title = {Óók soft- en hardware die niet uit China komen zijn notoir onveilig. Hacken is het probleem, niet Huawei}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {}, year = {0520}, date = {2019-05-20}, keywords = {China, encryptie, frontpage, Software, spionage}, }

Annotatie bij Rb. Den Haag 19 november 2018 (TVS / Revo) external link

AMI, vol. 2019, num: 1, pp: 40-41, 2019

Annotaties, Auteursrecht, downloaden, frontpage, inbreuk, Software, websites


Article{vanEechoud2019b, title = {Annotatie bij Rb. Den Haag 19 november 2018 (TVS / Revo)}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {0221}, date = {2019-02-21}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2019}, number = {1}, pages = {40-41}, keywords = {Annotaties, Auteursrecht, downloaden, frontpage, inbreuk, Software, websites}, }

Annotatie bij Hof Amsterdam 22 november 2016 (Pearson / Bär c.s.) external link

van Gompel, S.
AMI, num: 2, pp: 103-105, 2017

Auteursrecht, Databankenrecht, frontpage, Software


Article{vanGompel2017b, title = {Annotatie bij Hof Amsterdam 22 november 2016 (Pearson / Bär c.s.)}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {}, year = {0523}, date = {2017-05-23}, journal = {AMI}, number = {2}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Databankenrecht, frontpage, Software}, }

Software is ook bij bitcoin altijd politiek external link


bitcoin, politiek, Software, Technologie en recht


Other{nokey, title = {Software is ook bij bitcoin altijd politiek}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0605}, date = {2015-06-05}, keywords = {bitcoin, politiek, Software, Technologie en recht}, }

Annotatie bij Vzr. Rb. Den Haag 24 februari 2014 (SDC Verifier / Femto Engineering) external link

AMI, num: 5, pp: 169-173., 2014


Vordering wapperverbod. Software door auteurs in meerdere landen gemaakt. Internationaal privaatrecht. Conflictregel. Vraag aan wie auteursrechten toekomen beheerst door recht van elk land waarvoor bescherming wordt ingeroepen (lex protectionis).

Auteursrecht, conflictregel, Intellectuele eigendom, internationaal privaatrecht, lex protectionis, Software, wapperverbod


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Vzr. Rb. Den Haag 24 februari 2014 (SDC Verifier / Femto Engineering)}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {1113}, date = {2014-11-13}, journal = {AMI}, number = {5}, abstract = {Vordering wapperverbod. Software door auteurs in meerdere landen gemaakt. Internationaal privaatrecht. Conflictregel. Vraag aan wie auteursrechten toekomen beheerst door recht van elk land waarvoor bescherming wordt ingeroepen (lex protectionis).}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, conflictregel, Intellectuele eigendom, internationaal privaatrecht, lex protectionis, Software, wapperverbod}, }

Softwareoctrooien: een vanzelfsprekendheid of een gevaarlijke ontaarding? external link

Bakels, R.B.
Computerrecht, num: 6, pp: 347-352, 2002

Industriële eigendom, Octrooirecht, Software


Article{nokey, title = {Softwareoctrooien: een vanzelfsprekendheid of een gevaarlijke ontaarding?}, author = {Bakels, R.B.}, url = {}, year = {1220}, date = {2002-12-20}, journal = {Computerrecht}, number = {6}, keywords = {Industriële eigendom, Octrooirecht, Software}, }

Van software to erger: op zoek naar de grenzen van het octrooirecht external link

Bakels, R.B.
IER, num: 4, pp: 213-221, 2004

Industriële eigendom, Octrooirecht, Software


Article{nokey, title = {Van software to erger: op zoek naar de grenzen van het octrooirecht}, author = {Bakels, R.B.}, url = {}, year = {0109}, date = {2004-01-09}, journal = {IER}, number = {4}, keywords = {Industriële eigendom, Octrooirecht, Software}, }

Software: werkwijze of voortbrengsel? external link

Bakels, R.B.
Bijblad bij de Industriële Eigendom, num: 10, pp: 428-434, 2003


Het onderscheid tussen werkwijze- en voortbrengseloctrooien lijkt een juridisch-technische kwestie van ondergeschikt belang. In dit artikel wordt betoogd, dat het zowel om praktische als om theoretische redenen wel degelijk van belang is software-uitvindingen weloverwogen in het octrooisysteem te positioneren.

Industriële eigendom, Octrooirecht, Software, uitvindingen


Article{nokey, title = {Software: werkwijze of voortbrengsel?}, author = {Bakels, R.B.}, url = {}, year = {1024}, date = {2003-10-24}, journal = {Bijblad bij de Industriële Eigendom}, number = {10}, abstract = {Het onderscheid tussen werkwijze- en voortbrengseloctrooien lijkt een juridisch-technische kwestie van ondergeschikt belang. In dit artikel wordt betoogd, dat het zowel om praktische als om theoretische redenen wel degelijk van belang is software-uitvindingen weloverwogen in het octrooisysteem te positioneren.}, keywords = {Industriële eigendom, Octrooirecht, Software, uitvindingen}, }