Transparency Bridges: Bridging Transparency Requirements in Smartphone Ecosystems
Tarlach McGonagle gives keynotes on hate speech and speaks at EU’s Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights
Tarlach McGonagle gives keynotes on hate speech and speaks at EU’s Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights
Dr. Tarlach McGonagle (IViR) gave a keynote speech on hate speech at a conference of European national equality bodies in Rome on 19 November. The conference, ‘Not on our watch! Equality bodies fighting hate speech’, was organised by the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and the National Office against Racial Discrimination (UNAR). McGonagle also… Continue reading Tarlach McGonagle gives keynotes on hate speech and speaks at EU’s Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights
Tarlach McGonagle gives keynotes on hate speech and speaks at EU’s Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights
Dr. Tarlach McGonagle (IViR) gave a keynote speech on hate speech at a conference of European national equality bodies in Rome on 19 November. The conference, ‘Not on our watch! Equality bodies fighting hate speech’, was organised by the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and the National Office against Racial Discrimination (UNAR). McGonagle also… Continue reading Tarlach McGonagle gives keynotes on hate speech and speaks at EU’s Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights
VMC Studiemiddag: Wijziging van de Richtlijn Audiovisuele Mediadiensten: een toekomstbestendig raamwerk?
VMC Studiemiddag: Wijziging van de Richtlijn Audiovisuele Mediadiensten: een toekomstbestendig raamwerk?
Vrijdagmiddag 23 november 2018, 14.30-17.00 uur (inloop vanaf 14.00 uur) Instituut voor Informatierecht (IViR), Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 1018 WV Amsterdam (gebouw REC-A, derde verdieping, ‘moot court’ room, zaalnr. A3.15) De VMC Studiemiddag van dit najaar is gewijd aan het voorstel van de Europese Commissie tot wijziging van de Richtlijn Audiovisuele Mediadiensten (AVMSD), die is bedoeld… Continue reading VMC Studiemiddag: Wijziging van de Richtlijn Audiovisuele Mediadiensten: een toekomstbestendig raamwerk?
Presentation Martin Husovec on 21 November 2018
Presentation Martin Husovec on 21 November 2018
On Wednesday 21 November 2018, Dr. Martin Husovec (Tilburg University) will visit IViR and give a presentation. Dr. Husovec is a leading expert on innovation and digital liberties, in particular, regulation of intellectual property and freedom of expression. Dr. Husovec will give a presentation on selected issues addressed in his latest book Injunctions against Intermediaries in… Continue reading Presentation Martin Husovec on 21 November 2018