This book examines the implications of information security which plays such an important role in modern digital infrastructure. Information security technologies restrict the (mis)use of this infrastructure, while also constantly being probed by researchers, intelligence agencies and criminals. One can see this cycle of making and breaking everywhere in the digital sphere. An important example… Continue reading New book out: From Encryption to Quantum Computing – The Governance of Information Security and Human Rights
Interview with Mireille van Eechoud on digital sovereignty
Digital Legal Lab member Mireille van Eechoud, Professor of Information Law at the University of Amsterdam, recently participated in a LERU Talk about what digital sovereignty means for universities, and the role of tech companies. Preserving ‘digital sovereignty’ of universities and researchers is key to a successful digital transformation of the university sector. LERU Talks… Continue reading Interview with Mireille van Eechoud on digital sovereignty
Vacancy: DSA Research Fellow (Researcher)
Do you want to become a driving force behind the DSA Observatory?
We are looking for a researcher with a profile in information law to join our team.
IViR at CPDP 2024
On 22-24 May 2024 the 17th international CPDP conference was held in Brussels.
Several of our researchers attended this conference and IViR researchers also moderated a few of the panels.
Vacature: Universitair Docent Intellectuele Eigendom
Wil jij het voortouw nemen bij de aanpassing van het intellectueel eigendomsrecht aan de uitdagingen van klimaatverandering en duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen? En met je expertise op het gebied van octrooirecht en de bescherming van geografische aanduidingen de discussie over adequate regelgeving vormgeven? Het IViR zoekt een universitair docent voor de onderzoeksgroep Intellectueel Eigendom.
Deadline 10 juni! Call for Papers: Tweede studentenuitgave van Mediaforum
Wegens succes herhaald! Na de prachtige eerste studentenuitgave van het tijdschrift Mediaforum, brengt de redactie ook dit jaar een tweede studenten aflevering uit. Ben je een gevorderde (of een net afgestudeerde) student aan een Nederlandse universiteit (master of eind bachelor) en ben je geïnteresseerd in het media- en informatierecht? Dan nodigen wij je hierbij van… Continue reading Deadline 10 juni! Call for Papers: Tweede studentenuitgave van Mediaforum
Joris van Hoboken appointed full professor at IViR
IViR is pleased to announce that Joris van Hoboken has been appointed, per 1 March 2024, as a full professor at IViR, to the chair ‘Information Law, with special emphasis on Law and Digital Infrastructure’.
Winner of IViR “Science Fiction & Information Law” writing competition announced
IViR is proud to announce that Jason Fernandes is the winner of the 2024 Science Fiction & Information Law writing competition with his story “Good Bot”.
New study: Improving access to and reuse of research results, publications and data for scientific purposes
The European Commission has published a study aimed at improving access to and reuse of research results, including publications and data for scientific purposes
Extended deadline 10th of May! Call for Abstracts: European Privacy Law Scholars Conference
We are excited to announce a call for abstracts for the European Privacy Law Scholars Conference, which will be hosted at the University of Amsterdam, 24-25 October 2024. Following the format of PLSC in the United States, PLSC Europe is a conference for discussing work in progress. In the PLSC format, discussants, rather than authors,… Continue reading Extended deadline 10th of May! Call for Abstracts: European Privacy Law Scholars Conference