4 vacancies: Law and Governance of Quantum Technologies


The research group on the Law and Governance of Quantum Technologies studies the legal implications of quantum technologies through the lens of questions about law and digital infrastructure. This includes the study of access to (quantum) computing, questions about (quantum) data governance, and questions at the intersection of quantum technologies with legal frameworks for innovation… Continue reading 4 vacancies: Law and Governance of Quantum Technologies

VMC Studiemiddag – Een toekomstbestendige publieke omroep


Vrijdagmiddag 9 december 2022, 14.00-17.00 uurTrippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam De houdbaarheid van het huidige publieke omroepbestel staat binnen en buiten de sector (weer) volop ter discussie. Verschillende ontwikkelingen hebben deze discussie aangewakkerd. Het aanbreken van een nieuwe erkenningsperiode op 1 januari 2022 met twee opvallende nieuwkomers heeft voor veel aandacht gezorgd. Verschillende adviseurs… Continue reading VMC Studiemiddag – Een toekomstbestendige publieke omroep

Test post


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec risus et libero pretium suscipit. Sed a magna lacinia, ullamcorper eros eu, lacinia turpis. Integer et sagittis mauris. Phasellus tincidunt laoreet mollis H2. Suspendisse facilisis velit dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent tempus arcu id augue cursus, a gravida… Continue reading Test post

Study on media plurality and diversity online


On 16 September the European Commission published a study on media pluralism and diversity in an online environment. Study on media plurality and diversity online – Final reportStudy on media plurality and diversity online – Annexes The study was written by researchers from four academic partners: The Centre for Information Technology and Intellectual Property of KU… Continue reading Study on media plurality and diversity online

Festive Symposium 2nd IViR Science Fiction & Information Law short story competition

In 2021, we published the call for stories for the 2nd IViR Science Fiction & Information Law short story competition. We received many submissions that reflected on our automated future, where algorithms, AI and virtual agents became part of our everyday reality. On June 28, 2022 we will have a festive symposium with the winners… Continue reading Festive Symposium 2nd IViR Science Fiction & Information Law short story competition