Amidst fierce debates about the upcoming referendum on the new Dutch national security law, a first international report, entitled ‘Dutch National Security Reform Under Review: Sufficient Checks and Balances in the Intelligence and Security Services Act 2017?’ has been published on the new surveillance powers and its implications. The authors, both experienced and recognized authorities… Continue reading Report shows flaws in new Dutch Surveillance Act
Opinie Leon Trapman: Nieuwe inlichtingenwet hindert bronbescherming journalisten
Kristina Irion gave a legal analysis of the EU’s proposed Free Flow of Data Regulation at the European Parliament in Brussels
Kristina Irion gave a legal analysis of the EU’s proposed Free Flow of Data Regulation at the European Parliament in Brussels.
On 20 February 2018 Dr. Kristina Irion gave a talk at a workshop of the IMCO Committee of the European Parliament on “Free Flow of Data – A Cornerstone of the Digital Single Market.” She was invited to provide a legal assessment of the proposed regulation and in particular of the scope of the public… Continue reading Kristina Irion gave a legal analysis of the EU’s proposed Free Flow of Data Regulation at the European Parliament in Brussels.
VMC bijeenkomst over de AIVD-hack in Rusland
VMC bijeenkomst over de AIVD-hack in Rusland
De Vereniging voor Media- en Communicatierecht organiseert – dit maal in samenwerking met het IViR – een bijzondere nieuwsgroep-bijeenkomst. Deze bijeenkomsten hebben betrekking op actuele ontwikkelingen of nieuws. Onlangs berichtten de Volkskrant en Nieuwsuur over de ‘AIVD-hack in het Kremlin’: Nederlandse digitale agenten zagen vanaf de eerste rij hoe Moskou trachtte de Amerikaanse verkiezingscampagne te… Continue reading VMC bijeenkomst over de AIVD-hack in Rusland
New IViR research project on media regulators’ independence receives funding from Foundation for Democracy and Media
New IViR research project on media regulators’ independence receives funding from Foundation for Democracy and Media
The research project “How independent are you really? Assessing the formal and actual independence of media regulators with the INDIREG methodology” receives funding from the Dutch Foundation for Democracy and Media. Coordinated by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) the research team consists of Dr. Kristina Irion (University of Amsterdam), Dr. Sara Svensson (Central European… Continue reading New IViR research project on media regulators’ independence receives funding from Foundation for Democracy and Media
New IViR research project on media regulators’ independence receives funding from Foundation for Democracy and Media
The research project “How independent are you really? Assessing the formal and actual independence of media regulators with the INDIREG methodology” receives funding from the Dutch Foundation for Democracy and Media. Coordinated by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) the research team consists of Dr. Kristina Irion (University of Amsterdam), Dr. Sara Svensson (Central European… Continue reading New IViR research project on media regulators’ independence receives funding from Foundation for Democracy and Media