IViR study for European Parliament about ePrivacy proposal

‘An assessment of the Commission’s Proposal on Privacy and Electronic Communications’ By Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Joris van Hoboken, Ronan Fahy, Kristina Irion, and Max Rozendaal. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, appraises the European Commission’s proposal for an ePrivacy… Continue reading IViR study for European Parliament about ePrivacy proposal

IViR study for European Parliament about ePrivacy proposal

‘An assessment of the Commission’s Proposal on Privacy and Electronic Communications’ By Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Joris van Hoboken, Ronan Fahy, Kristina Irion, and Max Rozendaal. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, appraises the European Commission’s proposal for an ePrivacy… Continue reading IViR study for European Parliament about ePrivacy proposal

Blockchain and Copyright Symposium


The Blockchain and Copyright Symposium brings together stakeholders in the copyright management and licensing domain to critically review the pros and cons of blockchain technologies for copyright-related applications. We invited representatives of rights holders (collective rights management organizations investing in blockchain technology), start-up disruptors (who use the Ethereum platform to develop a decentralized content distribution… Continue reading Blockchain and Copyright Symposium

SIDN fonds kent subsidie toe aan Clinic project “Blockchain Privacy Register”


Op 29 mei 2017 heeft SIDN de uitslag bekend gemaakt van de Pioniers van 2017 subsidie aanvragen. Het project Blockchain Privacy Register van Clinic is één van de gehonoreerde projecten! Op basis van haar ervaringen met privacyregelgeving heeft Clinic een voorstel ingediend voor de open call Blockchain for Good. Dit zijn projecten die blockchain inzetten… Continue reading SIDN fonds kent subsidie toe aan Clinic project “Blockchain Privacy Register”