Eu © Society: Answer to the EC Consultation on the ‘panorama exception’


ECS submited its opinion on the ‘panorama exception’ to the Copyright Unit of the European Commission. The European Copyright Society (ECS) considers that the issue of Freedom of Panorama (FoP) should not be reviewed in isolation from the broader, necessary reform of the European copyright framework. The ECS regrets the disproportionate level of importance accorded… Continue reading Eu © Society: Answer to the EC Consultation on the ‘panorama exception’

Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships with IViR

The MSCA European individual fellowships provide grants for up to 24 months academic mobility for early career and advanced researchers and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research. These actions take a bottom-up approach, according to which the researcher in collaboration with the host institution can propose an individual project. The deadline for applications is 14… Continue reading Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships with IViR

EU © Society – the role of publishers in the © value chain


ECS submitted its opinion related to the role of publishers in the copyright value chain to the Copyright Unit of the European Commission. Its conclusion is the following: There can be legitimate debate about the changing nature of investments and business models by publishers. But this is not in itself a valid rationale for granting… Continue reading EU © Society – the role of publishers in the © value chain

Van Eijk benoemd tot lid van de KHMW

Prof. dr. Nico van Eijk is benoemd tot lid van de Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW). De KHMW richt zich op het bevorderen van de wetenschap en het verbinden van wetenschap en samenleving. Zij doen dit door het uitschrijven van prijsvragen, het bekronen van wetenschappelijke prestaties en het organiseren van lezingen en wetenschappelijke conferenties. 

Zie ook: Acht UvA-hoogleraren treden toe to Koninklijke Maatschappij der Wetenschappen



Van Eijk benoemd tot lid van de KHMW


Prof. dr. Nico van Eijk is benoemd tot lid van de Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW). De KHMW richt zich op het bevorderen van de wetenschap en het verbinden van wetenschap en samenleving. Zij doen dit door het uitschrijven van prijsvragen, het bekronen van wetenschappelijke prestaties en het organiseren van lezingen en wetenschappelijke conferenties. 

Zie ook: Acht UvA-hoogleraren treden toe to Koninklijke Maatschappij der Wetenschappen



Sam van Velze wint Internetscriptieprijs 2015


Het Instituut voor Informatierecht is zeer verheugd te kunnen melden dat Sam van Velze, alumna van de onderzoeksmaster Information Law, de Internetscriptieprijs 2015 heeft gewonnen.

Haar scriptie, Communication to a New Public? A Critical Analysis of the CJEU's 'New Public' Criterion in European Copyright Law, werd begeleid door prof. P.B. Hugenholtz.

De prijs wordt op 15 april 2016 bij de Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen in Haarlem uitgereikt. 

Van harte gefeliciteerd Sam! 


Sam van Velze wint Internetscriptieprijs 2015

Het Instituut voor Informatierecht is zeer verheugd te kunnen melden dat Sam van Velze, alumna van de onderzoeksmaster Information Law, de Internetscriptieprijs 2015 heeft gewonnen.

Haar scriptie, Communication to a New Public? A Critical Analysis of the CJEU's 'New Public' Criterion in European Copyright Law, werd begeleid door prof. P.B. Hugenholtz.

De prijs wordt op 15 april 2016 bij de Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen in Haarlem uitgereikt. 

Van harte gefeliciteerd Sam! 


Conference: Copyright, related rights and the news in the EU: Assessing potential new laws

CIPIL University of Cambridge, hosted at IViR University of Amsterdam
Date: 23 April 2016, 9.30-17.00.
Venue: University of Amsterdam, Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229-231, 1012 EX Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Registration required
Max. capacity: 70 persons
See also full programme and speaker biographies.

The difficulties of commercial journalism
Like music and other branches of publishing, commercial news journalism has faced radical challenges over the last two decades. There is talk of the "death of the newspaper" and questions have been raised about the very future of journalism. While with music, books and films, the greatest threat to existing business models have been seen as the unauthorised and unremunerated home copying and peer-to-peer distribution, with commercial news journalism much of the challenge derives from the fact that advertising has not followed the shift of print-newspapers to the Internet. Such difficulties are compounded, from the point of view of news publishers, by the relatively free availability of news from other online sources. And they’ve been further compounded by the recent rise of social media, particularly Facebook, as a main route to the news.

Questions that arise
The EU Commission just launched a consultation on the introduction of neighbouring rights for publishers (also known as 'ancillary right', or in street language 'Google tax'). Is there sufficient rationale to alter copyright or related laws in a way that benefits news publishers? Should commercial news publishers benefit from any change in the law, given that other means exist for gathering and disseminating news? How strong is an economic case for such a right? To what extent is any economic case for change supplemented by other arguments, such as reward and natural rights arguments, and arguments about media plurality? Should European law treat news publishers in a similar way to other content producers, such as phonogram producers and broadcasters, who benefit from a related right? Would individual journalists benefit from a right afforded to news publishers, and if so, to what extent? Should news publishers benefit from levies and compensation schemes designed to benefit author-journalists?

A one day conference at IViR will seek to address these questions. The conference is part of a two-year, AHRC funded project at CIPIL, Cambridge University, entitled Appraising Potential Legal Responses to Threats to the Production of  News in a Digital Environment, which the IViR will kindly host and facilitate.

The conference brings together an interdisciplinary combination of academics and practitioners to discuss the issue. Representatives from news producing, publishing and disseminating organizations, both traditional and online, have been invited.


  • Søren Christian Søborg Andersen, attorney at Danish law firm Horten;
  • Chris Beall, accomplished trial attorney at US law firm LSKS LLP;
  • Professor Lionel Bently, Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law at the University of Cambridge;
  • Dr. Richard Danbury, research associate on the AHRC-funded project Appraising Potential Legal Responses to Threats to the Protection of News in a Digital Environment;
  • Professor Mireille van Eechoud, professor of Information Law and director of IViR's LLM programme in Information Law;
  • Professor Dr. Michael Grünberger, LL.M. (NYU) holds the Chair of Civil, Commercial and Technology Law at the University of Bayreuth;
  • Professor Ian Hargreaves, professor of Digital Economy at Cardiff University;
  • Professor Dr. Jan Hegemann;
  • Professor Bernt Hugenholtz, professor of Intellectual Property Law and former director of IViR;
  • Andrew J. Hughes, International Director, NLA media access, speaking in a personal capacity;
  • Dr. Bertin Martens, senior economist and team leader for the Digital Economy research programme at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), speaking in a personal capacity;
  • James Mackenzie, one of the two co-founders of Cutbot, a media and public affairs monitoring company;
  • Professor John Naughton, senior research fellow in the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge;
  • Agustín Reyna, Senior Legal Officer and Digital Team Leader in BEUC, The European Consumer Organisation;
  • Matt Rogerson, head of Public Policy at Guardian News & Media;
  • Mark Seeley, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Elsevier;
  • Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament for the Dutch Democratic Party with the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe political group;
  • Professor Raquel Xalabarder, holds the Chair of Intellectual Property at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 

See here for full speaker biographies.

For further information contact:
Dr Richard Danbury
Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law,
University of Cambridge

The conference is free, but registration is required. Please use the form below. Your details will only be used for communication about the event.

Application form


First name:



Dr. McGonagle appointed to new Council of Europe committee of experts

Dr. Tarlach McGonagle (Institute for Information Law, IViR) has been appointed to the Council of Europe’s new Committee of Experts on Media Pluralism and Transparency of Media Ownership. The main task of the Committee is to prepare a recommendation on these topics for adoption by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. The Recommendation will be addressed to the Council of Europe’s 47 member States.

The new expert committee will also “analyse best practices in Council of Europe member States with regard to policies and other measures ensuring a pluralist media landscape, transparency of media ownership, diversity of media content, inclusiveness in public service media, gender equality in media coverage of election campaigns”.  

McGonagle, a senior researcher at IViR, was Rapporteur for a similar Council of Europe expert committee – on protection of journalism and safety of journalists (2014-2015). The draft recommendation prepared by that expert committee has been submitted to the Committee of Ministers for adoption.


Dr. McGonagle benoemd tot lid van een nieuw Comité van Deskundigen van de Raad van Europa

Dr. Tarlach McGonagle (Instituut voor Informatierecht) is onlangs benoemd tot een nieuw Comité van Deskundigen van de Raad van Europa inzake media pluriformiteit en transparantie. Het Comité van Deskundigen heeft de opdracht gekregen een nieuwe aanbeveling over deze onderwerpen op te stellen en ter goedkeuring voor te leggen aan het Comité van Ministers van de Raad van Europa. De Aanbeveling zal zich richten tot de 47 lidstaten van de Raad van Europa.

Het nieuwe Comité van Deskundigen heeft ook als taak het analyseren van best practices van de lidstaten met betrekking tot het waarborgen van de pluriformiteit, diversiteit en transparantie van de media, inclusiviteit in de publieke omroep en gendergelijkheid in verslaggeving over verkiezingscampagnes.

McGonagle, senioronderzoeker op het IViR, was in 2014-2015 rapporteur bij een soortgelijk Comité van Deskunigen van de Raad van Europa dat over het beschermen van de journalistiek en de veiligheid van journalisten ging. De opgestelde conceptaanbeveling van dit  comité is ter goedkeuring voorgelegd aan het Comité van Ministers.