Folia: Bernt Hugenholtz vertrekt bij IViR: ‘Door internet is ons vakgebied geëxplodeerd’
The Hugenholtz League Conference “Intellectual Property and Sports”
New report by IViR & ASCoR: Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategy
Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategy
Which legal, ethical and societal conditions need to be fulfilled for the use of digital solutions in managing the COVID-19 exit-strategy? This was the central question of research that was commissioned by ZonMw, and conducted by the Institute for Information Law (IViR), the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) and Information, Communication & the Data… Continue reading Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategy
In Memoriam Jan de Meij door Fred Kistenkas in NJCM-bulletin
European Commission requests study on Media Plurality and Diversity Online
European Commission requests study on Media Plurality and Diversity Online
A consortium consisting of the European University Institute in Florence, KU Leuven, University of Amsterdam and Free University Brussels won a tender of the European Commission to produce a study on Media Plurality and Diversity Online (CNECT/2020/OP/0099). The European Commission requested this study to investigate two interlinked aspects of media pluralism and diversity in today’s… Continue reading European Commission requests study on Media Plurality and Diversity Online
2nd IViR “Science Fiction & Information Law” short story competition
This is the second call for short stories for the IViR Science Fiction & Information Law story competition. From the many exciting contributions to our first call it became clear that science fiction is a source of inspiration for many information law scholars to reflect on the societal implications of technologies, and the other way… Continue reading 2nd IViR “Science Fiction & Information Law” short story competition