Launch Event for “Decoding Hate” and “Better Human” Podcast Miniseries on AI & Freedom of Expression
The Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (NNHRR) Working Group on human rights in the digital age together with the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam warmly invite you to join the launch of the “Decoding Hate” podcast series and the “Better Humans” podcast miniseries. Through interviews and discussions with renowned experts,… Continue reading Launch Event for “Decoding Hate” and “Better Human” Podcast Miniseries on AI & Freedom of Expression
IViR/CIIR/CiTiP/CREATe/EUR consortium highlights the need for EU copyright data improvement
New IViR / PIJIP research collaboration : right to research internationally
Book Launch – “The Copyright/Trademark Interface” by Prof. Senftleben
We cordially invite you to the launch of the new book by IViR co-director Martin Senftleben: “The Copyright/Trademark Interface” Commentators: Barton Beebe, Irene Calboli, Séverine Dusollier, Annette Kur and Alexander Peukert Date: Thursday, 11 March 2021, 4:00-5:00 pm CET (Amsterdam) Programme 3:45 pm Zoom session open: get together4:00 Introduction: 600+ pages in a nutshell Prof.… Continue reading Book Launch – “The Copyright/Trademark Interface” by Prof. Senftleben
BOOK LAUNCH – “The Copyright/Trademark Interface” by Prof. Senftleben
Jan Marinus de Meij 1938-2021
Met droefheid hebben de medewerkers van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit van Amsterdam kennisgenomen van het overlijden van prof. mr. J.M. de Meij Professor De Meij was van 1983 tot 2004 aan de faculteit verbonden als hoogleraar Nederlands en vergelijkend staatsrecht. Professor De Meij is van grote betekenis geweest voor het wetenschappelijk onderzoek… Continue reading Jan Marinus de Meij 1938-2021
OPEN LETTER: Revocation – How authors and performers can reclaim their copyrights
New empirical research on scholarly piracy – radical open access is not a panacea
New empirical research on scholarly piracy – radical open access is not a panacea
Can scholarly pirate libraries bridge the knowledge access gap?An empirical study on the structural conditions of book piracy in global and European academia Balázs Bodó, Dániel Antal, & Zoltán Puha PLOS One is the fourth most influential multidisciplinary journal after Nature, and Science[1]. This week it has published a paper co-authored by Dr. Balazs Bodo,… Continue reading New empirical research on scholarly piracy – radical open access is not a panacea