Facebook is a news editor: the real issues to be concerned about


Facebook's use of human editors may bring comfort to some, but there are wider issues to do with editorial responsibility that need to be addressed.

frontpage, Mediarecht


Other{nokey, title = {Facebook is a news editor: the real issues to be concerned about}, author = {Trilling, D. and Helberger, N.}, url = {http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/mediapolicyproject/2016/05/26/facebook-is-a-news-editor-the-real-issues-to-be-concerned-about/}, year = {0526}, date = {2016-05-26}, abstract = {Facebook's use of human editors may bring comfort to some, but there are wider issues to do with editorial responsibility that need to be addressed.}, keywords = {frontpage, Mediarecht}, }