In this TL;DR episode, João Quintais explains the interaction between the AI Act and EU copyright law, focusing on text and data mining (TDM). He unpacks key issues like lawful access, opt-out mechanisms, and transparency obligations for AI developers. João explores challenges such as extraterritoriality and trade secrets, offering insights into how voluntary codes of… Continue reading AI lab TL;DR: Untangling AI Copyright and Data Mining in EU Compliance
Archives: Activities
RIP, if you can: Panel discussion at IMPAKT festival
Persuitgeversrecht en online exploitatie van nieuws
Nationaal Mediarecht congres
Supporters in Qatar nauwlettend gevolgd: ‘Dit is echt massasurveillance’
Quote in AD
Governance of digital media and platforms: regulation and the public interest
Conference on Media Freedom and Pluralism in EU Law
VvA Studiemiddag: Content moderation, auteursrecht en uitingsvrijheid
Op naar een babyvrij Instagram
Quote in column van Ernst-Jan Pfauth in NRC.
Online workshop on the possible impact of eu data and digital legislation on research
Invitation only
ALAI 2022: Copyright, Neighbouring and Special Rights
Moderator of Panel 4: Database producers’ and publishers’ rights