Keynote at the ICA preconference “Understanding the Dynamics of (Ir)Responsible AI in Journalism and Algorithmically Shaped News Flows”
Archives: Activities
Wie erft jouw appjes als je sterft?
Ronan Fahy appointed to Council of Europe Expert Committee on the Integrity of Online Information
Humane Conversation #12: Getting the AI Regulation Right: a Research Agenda
Q&A Egbert Dommering: ‘Toets blokkade Russische media aan Handvest grondrechten EU’
De Jurist
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap
Keynote speaker: Fireworks and democracy: the emerging regulatory European framework and why research matters
Digital Economy and Inequality (part II) Transatlantic Seminar: Consumer Law, Technology and Inequality
Nabestaanden kunnen vaak niet in telefoon overledene: ‘Al vier jaar hopen we op antwoord’
RTL Nieuws
Werkgevers schenden privacy
Nieuwsuur, 21 januari 2022