Archives: Activities
The Regulatory Landscape for Copyright Content Moderation: Evaluation and Future Trajectories
Risks and opportunities of the DSA for the fight against disinformation: The new Digital Services Act Package: A paradigm shift?
A webinar series of the European Audiovisual Observatory, #4 The Digital Services Act and the fight against disinformation
Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple en Microsoft. Hoe tem je de Big Five?
Bernt Hugenholtz vertrekt bij IViR: ‘Door internet is ons vakgebied geëxplodeerd’
Wat te doen met data na de dood? UvA-onderzoekers adviseren kabinet over lacunes bij digitale nalatenschappen
Frankrijk legt Google boete op wegens uitblijven deal over nieuwsberichten
HELP for Universities: A valuable online resource for university educational programmes
Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research
The new Digital Services Act Package: A paradigm shift? #4 The Digital Services Act and the fight against disinformation
A webinar series of the European Audiovisual Observatory
America is back so hold on to your data