IViR Lecture Series: Generative Crimes

The advent of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has ushered in a new era of technological innovation, poised to revolutionize various sectors by democratizing creativity, enhancing productivity, and fostering advancements across a myriad of fields. But this technology also has a darker side. The dual-use nature of GenAI means it can also facilitate criminal activities such as enabling sophisticated phishing schemes, creating deepfakes, automating the generation of illegal content, and facilitating a broad spectrum of fraudulent activities. These advances in technology, while beneficial in many respects, provide a toolkit for criminals that is more accessible, efficient, and difficult to trace than ever before. The democratization of such powerful tools means that the barriers to entry for committing sophisticated crimes are significantly lowered, not only enhancing the abilities of seasoned criminals but also enabling novices to perpetrate complex crimes with ease.

This talk introduces these generative crimes, categorized by the nature of the generated content and its intended use, whether for creating neutral or deceptive content. It scrutinizes the disruptive impact of GenAI on criminality, analyzing its unique attributes that amplify the capabilities of criminal enterprises. Through an in-depth examination of legal, societal, and technological adaptations necessary to counteract these emerging threats, it proposes a multifaceted approach involving regulatory adjustments, the reshaping of law enforcement strategies, and a call for increased societal and industry engagement. It argues for a holistic response that encompasses legal reforms, technological innovations, and public education to mitigate the risks associated with generative crimes, thereby ensuring that GenAI’s potential is harnessed for the betterment of society rather than its detriment.

Date: 26 April 2024
Time: 15:30 – 16:45 CET (Amsterdam)
– IViR Room, REC A5.24, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 1018 WV Amsterdam.
– Online via Zoom (you will receive the Zoomlink via e-mail on the morning of the lecture).
See also the flyer.

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