May 29, 2017Faculty Seminar on IP and new trade and investment agreementsAmsterdam, The Netherlands
May 12, 2017ECS Conference: Building a EU unitary copyrightParis, France
May 11, 2017Symposium: Copyright and CultureAmsterdam, The Netherlands
April 18, 2017Mobile Health: Kansen en uitdagingen om met mobiele technologie gezond gedrag te stimulerenAmsterdam, Nederland
March 23, 2017Big Pharma: feiten & fabelsAmsterdam, Nederland
February 10, 2017VvA vergadering: Extended Collective Licensing Under the Proposed DSM Directive: Green Light for the Unbridled Digitization and Dissemination of European Cultural Heritage?Amsterdam, Nederland
October 31, 2016Van patent tot patiënt: Hoe de farmaceutische industrie écht werktAmsterdam, Nederland
October 27, 2016Understanding EU Law, Institutions and Policymaking: An Advanced Legal Colloquium for Privacy LeadersWashington, Verenigde Staten