November 1, 2018Uitreiking Internetscriptieprijzen / Themabijeenkomst Internet en rechtsstaatDen Haag, Nederland
October 5 - 8, 2018Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2018: Call for PapersAmsterdam, Nederland
September 27, 2018Microsoft Data Science & Law Reform: Responsible Approaches to Artificial IntelligenceBrussel, Belgiƫ
September 20 - 21, 2018The Internet, Policy & Politics Conference 2018Oxford, Verenigd Koninkrijk
September 5, 2018Conference: Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists: From a Chilling to an Enabling EnvironmentAmsterdam, Nederland
July 30 - August 10, 2018Annenberg-Oxford Media Policy Summer InstituteOxford, Verenigd Koninkrijk
June 29, 2018VMC Studiemiddag: AVG en third party cookies: een onwerkbare situatie?Amsterdam, Nederland
June 15, 2018VvA studiemiddag: Big data en intellectuele eigendom: Bescherming of botsing?Amsterdam, The Netherlands
June 8, 2018Workshop: Towards inclusive and sustainable protection of traditional cultural expressionsAmsterdam, Nederland
June 5, 2018Fake news! Ontwikkelingen en gevolgen voor de Nederlandse samenlevingAmsterdam, Nederland
June 1, 2018How independent are you really? Updating the INDIREG methodology for future assessments of media regulators’ independence: International workshop (invitation only)Amsterdam, The Netherlands