30 november, 2020IViR-studie voor Europese Commissie over AI en IE, door Prof. Hugenholtz, Dr. Quintais & Prof. GervaisActueel
5 november, 2020Two Veni grants for IViR!: Jef Ausloos and João Pedro Quintais both awarded with grantActueel
29 oktober, 2020New study by Prof. Senftleben & Dr. Angolopoulos: The Odyssey of the Prohibition on General Monitoring Obligations on the Way to the Digital Services ActActueel
17 september, 2020Sarah Eskens in Nieuwsuur over toegang tot persoonsgegevens door Covid-19 testlijnmedewerkersActueel
15 september, 2020A scientist’s opinion: Interview with Prof Natali Helberger about AI in journalismActueel
10 december, 2019Call for Abstracts: ERC Symposium: Robots, recommenders and responsibility: where should the media go with AI?Actueel
12 november, 2019Safeguarding User Freedoms in Implementing Article 17 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive: Recommendations from European AcademicsActueel
22 februari, 2019Study about discrimination and artificial intelligence by Frederik Zuiderveen BorgesiusActueel