Geert Lokhorst wint BMM Student Award 2019

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Geert Lokhorst, IViR alumnus, heeft de BMM Student Award 2019 gewonnen met zijn scriptie “The Good, the Bad and the Priority: EU trade marks, legal certainty and good faith in conflicts with senior users of a distinguishing sign“. De scriptie is begeleid door Stef van Gompel. Van harte gefeliciteerd Geert, een geweldige prestatie! Uit het… Continue reading Geert Lokhorst wint BMM Student Award 2019

New edition of ‘International Copyright’ by Goldstein & Hugenholtz


International Copyright: Principles, Law, and PracticeFourth editionBy Paul Goldstein & P. Bernt HugenholtzOxford University Press, 2019.ISBN: 9780190060619 Preface to the Fourth Edition: Almost two decades have passed since this book’s first edition, a period over which the technologies of the internet have increasingly preoccupied the evolution of copyright and author’s rights worldwide.  Although, as observed… Continue reading New edition of ‘International Copyright’ by Goldstein & Hugenholtz