“Reformist Departure”: Questions Referred by the Bundesgerichtshof to the CJEU on the Reporting of Current Events and Quotation Exceptions external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2018


The exceptions for reporting of current events and quotation facilitate the functioning of the media. On 27 July 2017, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) submitted several questions to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU or Court) on the balance between copyright exceptions and the fundamental freedoms of information and the media, as well as the exceptions for quotation and reporting of current events. In answering these questions, the CJEU may well shed light on the open-ended drafting of these exceptions.

Auteursrecht, case law, CJEU, European Union, frontpage, Germany, infringement, limitations


Article{Zeybek2018, title = {“Reformist Departure”: Questions Referred by the Bundesgerichtshof to the CJEU on the Reporting of Current Events and Quotation Exceptions}, author = {Zeybek, B.}, url = {http://copyrightblog.kluweriplaw.com/2018/02/12/reformist-departure-questions-referred-bundesgerichtshof-cjeu-reporting-current-events-quotation-exceptions/}, year = {0213}, date = {2018-02-13}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, abstract = {The exceptions for reporting of current events and quotation facilitate the functioning of the media. On 27 July 2017, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) submitted several questions to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU or Court) on the balance between copyright exceptions and the fundamental freedoms of information and the media, as well as the exceptions for quotation and reporting of current events. In answering these questions, the CJEU may well shed light on the open-ended drafting of these exceptions.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, case law, CJEU, European Union, frontpage, Germany, infringement, limitations}, }

Should taste be subject to copyright protection? Heksenkaas will tell us. external link


Auteursrecht, bescherming, CJEU, frontpage, heksenkaas, nederland, originaliteit


Online publication{Coche2018, title = {Should taste be subject to copyright protection? Heksenkaas will tell us.}, author = {Coche, E.}, url = {http://copyrightblog.kluweriplaw.com/2018/01/31/taste-subject-copyright-protection-heksenkaas-will-tell-us/}, year = {0202}, date = {2018-02-02}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, bescherming, CJEU, frontpage, heksenkaas, nederland, originaliteit}, }

Annotatie bij Vzr. Rb. Rotterdam 6 september 2017 (Apnormal / Punch Out Battles) external link

AMI, vol. 2017, num: 6, pp: 215-216, 2018


Bespreking van de verschillen tussen het auteursrechtelijk regime en dat van de komende Verordening Gegevensbescherming.

annotatie, Auteursrecht, Persoonsgegevens, portretrecht


Article{Kabel2018, title = {Annotatie bij Vzr. Rb. Rotterdam 6 september 2017 (Apnormal / Punch Out Battles)}, author = {Kabel, J.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Annotatie_AMI_2017_6.pdf}, year = {0116}, date = {2018-01-16}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2017}, number = {6}, pages = {215-216}, abstract = {Bespreking van de verschillen tussen het auteursrechtelijk regime en dat van de komende Verordening Gegevensbescherming.}, keywords = {annotatie, Auteursrecht, Persoonsgegevens, portretrecht}, }

Het einde van de Auteurswet nadert. Veertig jaar harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa (1977-2017) external link

AMI, vol. 2017, num: 4, pp: 177-181, 2017


De geschiedenis van de harmonisatie van het auteursrecht valt samen met die van dit tijdschrift. Dit artikel is opgedragen aan J.H. (Jaap) Spoor, die als AMI-redactielid van het eerste uur veertig jaar harmonisatie onverschrokken aan zich voorbij zag gaan. Veertig jaar geleden, in de rubriek ‘internationaal nieuws’ van het allereerste nummer van Auteursrecht, werd bericht dat de Europese Commissie onderzoek had laten doen naar de verschillen tussen de nationale auteurswetten in de Europese Gemeenschap. Het door dr. A. Dietz van het Max Planck Instituut in München in het Duits geschreven rapport was sinds kort ‘als xerografische, in twee delen geniete uitgave verkrijgbaar bij de Europese Commissie’. Dit was het begin van de harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa, die in de decennia daarna diepe sporen zou trekken door het Nederlandse recht – sporen die slechts ten dele zichtbaar zijn in de huidige bewoordingen van de Nederlandse Auteurswet.

Auteursrecht, Europe, frontpage, harmonisatie


Article{Hugenholtz2017b, title = {Het einde van de Auteurswet nadert. Veertig jaar harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa (1977-2017)}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/AMI_2017_4.pdf}, year = {1123}, date = {2017-11-23}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2017}, number = {4}, pages = {177-181}, abstract = {De geschiedenis van de harmonisatie van het auteursrecht valt samen met die van dit tijdschrift. Dit artikel is opgedragen aan J.H. (Jaap) Spoor, die als AMI-redactielid van het eerste uur veertig jaar harmonisatie onverschrokken aan zich voorbij zag gaan. Veertig jaar geleden, in de rubriek ‘internationaal nieuws’ van het allereerste nummer van Auteursrecht, werd bericht dat de Europese Commissie onderzoek had laten doen naar de verschillen tussen de nationale auteurswetten in de Europese Gemeenschap. Het door dr. A. Dietz van het Max Planck Instituut in München in het Duits geschreven rapport was sinds kort ‘als xerografische, in twee delen geniete uitgave verkrijgbaar bij de Europese Commissie’. Dit was het begin van de harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa, die in de decennia daarna diepe sporen zou trekken door het Nederlandse recht – sporen die slechts ten dele zichtbaar zijn in de huidige bewoordingen van de Nederlandse Auteurswet.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Europe, frontpage, harmonisatie}, }

Who owns the broadcasting archives? Unravelling copyright ownership of broadcast content external link

deLex, 1101, ISBN: 978-90-86920-62-4


Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it empirically establishes that the default ownership rules can only provide an incomplete picture of the rights ownership in the public service broadcasting sector: the ownership is more concentrated than copyright and neighbouring rights law suggests. Who owns the broadcasting archives? shows how different legal scenarios can explain this rights concentration and establishes their likely practical influence on industry practice in the public service broadcasting sector across time.

Auteursrecht, broadcasting, Copyright, copyright ownership, quantitative methods


Book{Schroff2017c, title = {Who owns the broadcasting archives? Unravelling copyright ownership of broadcast content}, author = {S. and Schroff}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/who-owns-the-broadcasting-archives-final-2/}, year = {1101}, date = {2017-11-01}, abstract = {Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it empirically establishes that the default ownership rules can only provide an incomplete picture of the rights ownership in the public service broadcasting sector: the ownership is more concentrated than copyright and neighbouring rights law suggests. Who owns the broadcasting archives? shows how different legal scenarios can explain this rights concentration and establishes their likely practical influence on industry practice in the public service broadcasting sector across time.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, broadcasting, Copyright, copyright ownership, quantitative methods}, }

Who owns the broadcasting archives? Unravelling copyright ownership of broadcast content external link

deLex, 1117, ISBN: 9789086920624


Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it empirically establishes that the default ownership rules can only provide an incomplete picture of the rights ownership in the public service broadcasting sector: the ownership is more concentrated than copyright and neighbouring rights law suggests. Who owns the broadcasting archives? shows how different legal scenarios can explain this rights concentration and establishes their likely practical influence on industry practice in the public service broadcasting sector across time.

archives, Auteursrecht, broadcasting, frontpage, ownership, the netherlands


Book{Schroff2017c, title = {Who owns the broadcasting archives? Unravelling copyright ownership of broadcast content}, author = {Schroff, S.}, url = {http://www.delex.nl/shop/boeken/who-owns-the-broadcasting-archives-unravelling-copyright-ownership-of-broadcast-content}, year = {1117}, date = {2017-11-17}, volume = {2017}, pages = {}, abstract = {Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it empirically establishes that the default ownership rules can only provide an incomplete picture of the rights ownership in the public service broadcasting sector: the ownership is more concentrated than copyright and neighbouring rights law suggests. Who owns the broadcasting archives? shows how different legal scenarios can explain this rights concentration and establishes their likely practical influence on industry practice in the public service broadcasting sector across time.}, keywords = {archives, Auteursrecht, broadcasting, frontpage, ownership, the netherlands}, }

Over wetgeving, implementatie en beleid – Kroniek van het auteursrecht in Nederland 2010-2016 external link

van Gompel, S.
Auteurs & Media, vol. 2016, num: 3, pp: 250-258, 2017


Het is alweer zes jaar geleden dat de laatste kroniek over het Nederlands auteursrecht in Auteurs & Media is gepubliceerd(1). Hoog tijd dus om de draad op te pakken en de stok van mijn illustere voorganger over te nemen. Deze kroniek bespreekt de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van auteursrechtwetgeving en -beleid in Nederland in de afgelopen zes jaren, waaronder de introductie van het auteurscontractenrecht, de afschaffing van geschriftenbescherming, de versterking van het toezicht op collectieve beheersorganisaties en de implementatie van de Richtlijnen 2012/28/EU (verweesde werken) en 2011/77/EU (verlenging beschermingsduur naburige rechten). Door deze nieuwe wetgeving is de Nederlandse Auteurswet (Aw) en Wet op de naburige rechten (Wnr) op diverse plaatsen aangepast.

Auteursrecht, beleid, frontpage, kroniek, wetgeving


Article{vanGompel2017b, title = {Over wetgeving, implementatie en beleid – Kroniek van het auteursrecht in Nederland 2010-2016}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/AuteursMedia_2016_3.pdf}, year = {1010}, date = {2017-10-10}, journal = {Auteurs & Media}, volume = {2016}, number = {3}, pages = {250-258}, abstract = {Het is alweer zes jaar geleden dat de laatste kroniek over het Nederlands auteursrecht in Auteurs & Media is gepubliceerd(1). Hoog tijd dus om de draad op te pakken en de stok van mijn illustere voorganger over te nemen. Deze kroniek bespreekt de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van auteursrechtwetgeving en -beleid in Nederland in de afgelopen zes jaren, waaronder de introductie van het auteurscontractenrecht, de afschaffing van geschriftenbescherming, de versterking van het toezicht op collectieve beheersorganisaties en de implementatie van de Richtlijnen 2012/28/EU (verweesde werken) en 2011/77/EU (verlenging beschermingsduur naburige rechten). Door deze nieuwe wetgeving is de Nederlandse Auteurswet (Aw) en Wet op de naburige rechten (Wnr) op diverse plaatsen aangepast.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, beleid, frontpage, kroniek, wetgeving}, }

Report of the Netherlands for ALAI 2017 Study Days (Copenhagen) external link

van Gompel, S. & Schaik, R. van

Auteursrecht, frontpage


Report{Gompel2017b, title = {Report of the Netherlands for ALAI 2017 Study Days (Copenhagen)}, author = {van Gompel, S. and Schaik, R. van}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/ReportoftheNetherlands_ALAI_2017.pdf}, year = {1010}, date = {2017-10-10}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie 1 maart 2017 (ITV / TVCatchup II) external link

van Gompel, S.
AMI, vol. 2017, num: 3, pp: 135-137, 2017

Auteursrecht, frontpage, omroep, toegang tot de kabel


Article{Gompel2017, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie 1 maart 2017 (ITV / TVCatchup II)}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Annotatie_AMI_2017_3.pdf}, year = {1010}, date = {2017-10-10}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2017}, number = {3}, pages = {135-137}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, omroep, toegang tot de kabel}, }

Estimating displacement rates of copyrighted content in the EU external link

Ende, M. van der, Poort, J., Haffner, R., Bas, P. de, Yagafarova, A., Rohlfs, S. & Til, H. van


The extent to which digital consumption of pirated materials displaces legitimate purchases is of fundamental importance for EU copyright policy design. The European Commission has commissioned Ecorys to carry out a study on the relation between online copyright infringement (digital piracy) and sales of copyrighted content. This study adds to the existing literature in at least three ways. Firstly, it compares piracy rates in multiple EU Member States calculated according to the same methodology. This makes it possible to compare results between countries. Secondly, displacement rates are estimated in the presence of an important recent phenomenon, i.e. the widespread availability of a wide variety of services for downloading or streaming content. Thirdly, the study includes minors to assess the extent of piracy among this group.

Auteursrecht, Copyright, copyright policy, frontpage, online content, Online copright enforcement, online infringement, Online media


Report{Ecorys&Poort-Displacement, title = {Estimating displacement rates of copyrighted content in the EU}, author = {Ende, M. van der and Poort, J. and Haffner, R. and Bas, P. de and Yagafarova, A. and Rohlfs, S. and Til, H. van}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/2015-Estimating-displacement-rates-of-copyrighted-content-in-the-EU-2.pdf}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.2780/26736}, year = {0922}, date = {2017-09-22}, abstract = {The extent to which digital consumption of pirated materials displaces legitimate purchases is of fundamental importance for EU copyright policy design. The European Commission has commissioned Ecorys to carry out a study on the relation between online copyright infringement (digital piracy) and sales of copyrighted content. This study adds to the existing literature in at least three ways. Firstly, it compares piracy rates in multiple EU Member States calculated according to the same methodology. This makes it possible to compare results between countries. Secondly, displacement rates are estimated in the presence of an important recent phenomenon, i.e. the widespread availability of a wide variety of services for downloading or streaming content. Thirdly, the study includes minors to assess the extent of piracy among this group.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Copyright, copyright policy, frontpage, online content, Online copright enforcement, online infringement, Online media}, }