Communication to a New Public? A Critical Analysis of the CJEU’s ‘New Public’ Criterion in European Copyright Law external link

Velze, S.C. van

Auteursrecht, frontpage, Intellectuele eigendom


Report{nokey, title = {Communication to a New Public? A Critical Analysis of the CJEU’s ‘New Public’ Criterion in European Copyright Law}, author = {Velze, S.C. van}, url = {}, year = {0324}, date = {2016-03-24}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Billijke vergoeding in recht en economie external link

AMI, num: 6, pp: 157-161., 2016


Op 2 oktober 2013 wees de Rechtbank Den Haag vonnis in de zaak van SENA tegen 25 organisatoren van ‘dance events’ over de billijke vergoeding die zij aan SENA verschuldigd zijn voor het draaien van muziekopnames. Hoger beroep dient bij het Haagse Gerechtshof, dat de zaak naar verwachting voor advies zal verwijzen naar de Geschillencommissie Auteursrecht. Niet eerder liet een Nederlandse rechter zich expliciet uit over de hoogte van de billijke vergoeding en nu de billijke vergoeding voor auteurs ook in het nieuwe auteurscontractenrecht een centrale rol speelt, rijst de vraag hoe zo’n vergoeding kan worden bepaald. Economen kunnen wel wat zeggen over welvaartseffecten van vergoedingen, maar rekenen vragen over billijkheid tot het domein van politiek en recht. Ook in het recht blijken er echter nauwelijks aanknopingspunten te zijn om dit concept concreet te maken.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Billijke vergoeding in recht en economie}, author = {Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0225}, date = {2016-02-25}, journal = {AMI}, number = {6}, abstract = {Op 2 oktober 2013 wees de Rechtbank Den Haag vonnis in de zaak van SENA tegen 25 organisatoren van ‘dance events’ over de billijke vergoeding die zij aan SENA verschuldigd zijn voor het draaien van muziekopnames. Hoger beroep dient bij het Haagse Gerechtshof, dat de zaak naar verwachting voor advies zal verwijzen naar de Geschillencommissie Auteursrecht. Niet eerder liet een Nederlandse rechter zich expliciet uit over de hoogte van de billijke vergoeding en nu de billijke vergoeding voor auteurs ook in het nieuwe auteurscontractenrecht een centrale rol speelt, rijst de vraag hoe zo’n vergoeding kan worden bepaald. Economen kunnen wel wat zeggen over welvaartseffecten van vergoedingen, maar rekenen vragen over billijkheid tot het domein van politiek en recht. Ook in het recht blijken er echter nauwelijks aanknopingspunten te zijn om dit concept concreet te maken.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Individual Licensing Models and Consumer Protection external link


Copyright law is not primarily directed at consumers. Their interests are therefore only marginally accounted for, as the copyright rules exempt specific uses of works from the right holder’s control. This chapter examines the impact of digital technology on the position of consumers of licensed copyrighted content. While ownership of the physical embodiment of a work does not entail the ownership of the rights in the work, how does copyright law deal with ‘disembodied’ works? Whereas digital content is now commonly distributed on the basis of individual licensing schemes, what does it mean for consumers? Do they have a claim under consumer protection law against copyright owners for the impossibility to make a copy for private purposes, the lack of interoperability between devices, and the geo-blocking of their account?

Auteursrecht, Consumer law, consumer protection, Copyright, digital content, geo-blocking, Intellectuele eigendom, interoperability, private copying


Other{nokey, title = {Individual Licensing Models and Consumer Protection}, author = {Guibault, L.}, url = {}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-02-05}, abstract = {Copyright law is not primarily directed at consumers. Their interests are therefore only marginally accounted for, as the copyright rules exempt specific uses of works from the right holder’s control. This chapter examines the impact of digital technology on the position of consumers of licensed copyrighted content. While ownership of the physical embodiment of a work does not entail the ownership of the rights in the work, how does copyright law deal with ‘disembodied’ works? Whereas digital content is now commonly distributed on the basis of individual licensing schemes, what does it mean for consumers? Do they have a claim under consumer protection law against copyright owners for the impossibility to make a copy for private purposes, the lack of interoperability between devices, and the geo-blocking of their account?}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Consumer law, consumer protection, Copyright, digital content, geo-blocking, Intellectuele eigendom, interoperability, private copying}, }

Cultural Heritage Online? Settle it in the Country of Origin of the Work external link

JIPITEC, num: 3, pp: 173-191., 2016


This article examines the conditions under which a system of extended collective licensing (ECL) for the use of works contained in the collections of cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) participating in Europeana could function within a cross-border basis. ECL is understood as a form of collective rights management whereby the application of freely negotiated copyright licensing agreements between a user and a collective management organisation (“CMO”), is extended by law to non-members of the organisation. ECL regimes have already been put in place in a few Member States and so far, all have the ability to apply only on a national basis. This article proposes a mechanism that would allow works licensed under an ECL system in one territory of the European Union to be made available in all the territories of the Union. The proposal rests on the statutory recognition of the “country of origin” principle, as necessary and sufficient territory for the negotiation and application of an ECL solution for the rights clearance of works contained in the collection of a cultural heritage institution, including orphan works.

Auteursrecht, Copyright, cross-border access, cultural heritage, extended collective licensing, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Cultural Heritage Online? Settle it in the Country of Origin of the Work}, author = {Guibault, L.}, url = {}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-19}, journal = {JIPITEC}, number = {3}, abstract = {This article examines the conditions under which a system of extended collective licensing (ECL) for the use of works contained in the collections of cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) participating in Europeana could function within a cross-border basis. ECL is understood as a form of collective rights management whereby the application of freely negotiated copyright licensing agreements between a user and a collective management organisation (“CMO”), is extended by law to non-members of the organisation. ECL regimes have already been put in place in a few Member States and so far, all have the ability to apply only on a national basis. This article proposes a mechanism that would allow works licensed under an ECL system in one territory of the European Union to be made available in all the territories of the Union. The proposal rests on the statutory recognition of the “country of origin” principle, as necessary and sufficient territory for the negotiation and application of an ECL solution for the rights clearance of works contained in the collection of a cultural heritage institution, including orphan works.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Copyright, cross-border access, cultural heritage, extended collective licensing, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Authorship, Aesthetics and the Artworld: Reforming Copyright’s Joint Authorship Doctrine external link

L. Biron & E. Cooper
Law and Philosophy, num: 1, pp: 55-85., 2016


This article considers the extent to which insights from the philosophy of art can assist copyright law in identifying the author or authors of works to which many have contributed. In doing so, it looks to institutional theories of art, which go beyond a simple bifurcation of ‘author’ and ‘work’, and focus instead on broader determinants of an art work’s production, such as the ‘artworld’. It puts forward a framework focusing on three components of authorship supported by these theories: role, authority and intention. The paper then draws attention to some important challenges that this framework raises for copyright law’s joint authorship doctrine in the UK and USA, and suggests some ways in which copyright law might be reformed, so as to allow copyright to retain its own benchmarks while also bringing conceptions of authorship in law and art closer together.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{Biron2016, title = {Authorship, Aesthetics and the Artworld: Reforming Copyright’s Joint Authorship Doctrine}, author = {L. Biron and E. Cooper}, url = {}, year = {0115}, date = {2016-01-15}, journal = {Law and Philosophy}, number = {1}, abstract = {This article considers the extent to which insights from the philosophy of art can assist copyright law in identifying the author or authors of works to which many have contributed. In doing so, it looks to institutional theories of art, which go beyond a simple bifurcation of ‘author’ and ‘work’, and focus instead on broader determinants of an art work’s production, such as the ‘artworld’. It puts forward a framework focusing on three components of authorship supported by these theories: role, authority and intention. The paper then draws attention to some important challenges that this framework raises for copyright law’s joint authorship doctrine in the UK and USA, and suggests some ways in which copyright law might be reformed, so as to allow copyright to retain its own benchmarks while also bringing conceptions of authorship in law and art closer together.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }