Solving Europeana’s mass-digitization issues through Extended Collective Licensing? external link

Nordiskt Immateriellt Rättsskydd, num: 6, pp: 509-516, 2012


The ever increasing use of the Internet and of digitization technologies have opened up new possibilities for distributing and accessing creative content online, including for cultural heritage institutions. However, the digitization and dissemination of a substantial proportion of the collections held by European cultural institutions maybe considerably hindered due to high transaction costs related to clearance of copyright and related rights. This holds equally true for the cultural institutions taking part in the Europeana project. A recent study - Cross-border extended collective licensing: a solution to online dissemination of Europe's cultural heritage - examines whether the Nordic 'extended collective licensing' (ECL) model could provide a viable solution to the problems of digitization and dissemination of copyright protected works held by cultural heritage institutions, with a brief incursion into the issue of the cross-border dissemination of works. This article summarises the main findings of the study.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Solving Europeana’s mass-digitization issues through Extended Collective Licensing?}, author = {Guibault, L. and Axhamn, J.}, url = {}, year = {0222}, date = {2012-02-22}, journal = {Nordiskt Immateriellt Rättsskydd}, number = {6}, abstract = {The ever increasing use of the Internet and of digitization technologies have opened up new possibilities for distributing and accessing creative content online, including for cultural heritage institutions. However, the digitization and dissemination of a substantial proportion of the collections held by European cultural institutions maybe considerably hindered due to high transaction costs related to clearance of copyright and related rights. This holds equally true for the cultural institutions taking part in the Europeana project. A recent study - Cross-border extended collective licensing: a solution to online dissemination of Europe's cultural heritage - examines whether the Nordic 'extended collective licensing' (ECL) model could provide a viable solution to the problems of digitization and dissemination of copyright protected works held by cultural heritage institutions, with a brief incursion into the issue of the cross-border dissemination of works. This article summarises the main findings of the study.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

The Press Exception in the Dutch Copyright Act external link

A Century of Dutch Copyright Law. Auteurswet 1912-2012, P.B. Huegnholtz, A.A. Quaedvlieg & D.J.G Vi, deLex 2012, 1030, ISBN: 9789086920372

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Chapter{Guibault2012, title = {The Press Exception in the Dutch Copyright Act}, author = {Guibault, L.}, url = {}, year = {1030}, date = {2012-10-30}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Not so silly after all – new hope for private copying external link

INDICARE Monitor, 2005


The decision of the French court in Paris in the so-called Mulholland case has left a sour after-taste since. Could it be true that the privat copying exception, a long standing tradition in many national copyright laws, was in fact not much more than a toothless paper tiger? When we reported about this case we expressed our disbelief that this should have been the end of the private copying exception. And indeed, as the Court of Appeals has recently decided, the tiger may be made of paper, but it still has its teeth.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Not so silly after all – new hope for private copying}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {1013}, date = {2005-10-13}, journal = {INDICARE Monitor}, abstract = {The decision of the French court in Paris in the so-called Mulholland case has left a sour after-taste since. Could it be true that the privat copying exception, a long standing tradition in many national copyright laws, was in fact not much more than a toothless paper tiger? When we reported about this case we expressed our disbelief that this should have been the end of the private copying exception. And indeed, as the Court of Appeals has recently decided, the tiger may be made of paper, but it still has its teeth.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

No Place Like Home for Making a Copy: Private Copying in European Copyright Law and Consumer Law external link

Berkeley Technology Law Journal, vol. 2007, num: 3, pp: 1061-1098, 2008


This article examines the intersection between copyright law and consumer law relating to private copying in Europe. In doing so, we will query the effectiveness of copyright law and consumer law as legal instruments to protect consumers in their dealings with information suppliers. Our goal is to demonstrate that while copyright law in Europe does offer a measure of comfort to consumers, the legal instruments of European consumer law are potentially more effective in achieving the freedom to make private copies that European consumers generally expect.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {No Place Like Home for Making a Copy: Private Copying in European Copyright Law and Consumer Law}, author = {Helberger, N. and Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0124}, date = {2008-01-24}, journal = {Berkeley Technology Law Journal}, volume = {2007}, number = {3}, pages = {1061-1098}, abstract = {This article examines the intersection between copyright law and consumer law relating to private copying in Europe. In doing so, we will query the effectiveness of copyright law and consumer law as legal instruments to protect consumers in their dealings with information suppliers. Our goal is to demonstrate that while copyright law in Europe does offer a measure of comfort to consumers, the legal instruments of European consumer law are potentially more effective in achieving the freedom to make private copies that European consumers generally expect.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Clash of cultures – integrating copyright and consumer law external link

Info, num: 6, pp: 23-33, 2012


In digital content markets, access to and use of digital content products are largely subject to contractual agreements and licensing conditions between suppliers and consumers. The fact that consumers acquire digital content by way of contractual arrangements implies that their relationship with the suppliers of these products is governed by two sets of rules: consumer law and copyright law. Attempts to integrate copyright and consumer law and policy and to accommodate the interests of the consumer of copyright protected content soon encounter conceptual and political challenges. The question that this article examines is what the main conceptual differences between consumer and copyright law, and the resulting ‘‘clash of cultures’’ are that need to be overcome before dealing successfully with copyright law related matters in consumer law.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Clash of cultures – integrating copyright and consumer law}, author = {Helberger, N. and Guibault, L.}, url = {}, year = {1101}, date = {2012-11-01}, journal = {Info}, number = {6}, abstract = {In digital content markets, access to and use of digital content products are largely subject to contractual agreements and licensing conditions between suppliers and consumers. The fact that consumers acquire digital content by way of contractual arrangements implies that their relationship with the suppliers of these products is governed by two sets of rules: consumer law and copyright law. Attempts to integrate copyright and consumer law and policy and to accommodate the interests of the consumer of copyright protected content soon encounter conceptual and political challenges. The question that this article examines is what the main conceptual differences between consumer and copyright law, and the resulting ‘‘clash of cultures’’ are that need to be overcome before dealing successfully with copyright law related matters in consumer law.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Kunstenaars wel blij maar niet geholpen met nieuwe auteurscontractenrecht external link

Akker, I., Weda, J. & Poort, J.
Me Judice, vol. 4, pp: 1, 2011

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Kunstenaars wel blij maar niet geholpen met nieuwe auteurscontractenrecht}, author = {Akker, I. and Weda, J. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0908}, date = {2011-09-08}, journal = {Me Judice}, volume = {4}, pages = {1}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Makers over speerpunten. Opvattingen van makers en uitvoerend kunstenaars over de speerpuntenbrief Auteursrecht 20©20 external link

Weda, J., Akker, I. & Poort, J.
AMI, num: 5, pp: 164-170, 2012


In dit artikel vergelijken de auteurs de Speerpuntenbrief Auteursrecht 20©20 met de uitkomsten van een enquête onder vierenhalf duizend makers en uitvoerend kunstenaars. De meeste onderdelen van de brief kunnen op hun instemming rekenen. Maar op de punten waar de brief zich liberaler toont, zijn makers behoudend en op handhaving gericht.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Makers over speerpunten. Opvattingen van makers en uitvoerend kunstenaars over de speerpuntenbrief Auteursrecht 20©20}, author = {Weda, J. and Akker, I. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0127}, date = {2012-01-27}, journal = {AMI}, number = {5}, abstract = {In dit artikel vergelijken de auteurs de Speerpuntenbrief Auteursrecht 20©20 met de uitkomsten van een enquête onder vierenhalf duizend makers en uitvoerend kunstenaars. De meeste onderdelen van de brief kunnen op hun instemming rekenen. Maar op de punten waar de brief zich liberaler toont, zijn makers behoudend en op handhaving gericht.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Digitale drempels: Knelpunten voor legaal digitaal aanbod in de creatieve industrie external link

Weda, J., van der Noll, R., Akker, I., Leenheer, J., Poort, J. & van Gompel, S.
pp: 136, 2012


Dit rapport beschrijft de knelpunten bij het tot stand komen van een volwaardige markt voor digitale distributie en exploitatie van muziek, films en series, games en boeken. Onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen economische, juridische en technische knelpunten.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Report{nokey, title = {Digitale drempels: Knelpunten voor legaal digitaal aanbod in de creatieve industrie}, author = {Weda, J. and van der Noll, R. and Akker, I. and Leenheer, J. and Poort, J. and van Gompel, S.}, url = {}, year = {0710}, date = {2012-07-10}, abstract = {Dit rapport beschrijft de knelpunten bij het tot stand komen van een volwaardige markt voor digitale distributie en exploitatie van muziek, films en series, games en boeken. Onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen economische, juridische en technische knelpunten.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

On Peers and Copyright: Why the EU should consider collective management of P2P external link

Munich Intellectual Property Law Center, 0807, Series: MIPLC, ISBN: 978-3-8329-7638-5


This book analyzes the E.U.’s approach to P2P, a digital age technology that highlights the tensions between the Internet and a territorial and fragmented copyright law. It aims at providing the necessary legal qualification and context to understand why the E.U., while following an economic and socially onerous path, has thus far failed to achieve its deterrence goals. It is argued that a solution to this conundrum must be based on the use of copyright law and policy as tools for market organization and innovation growth, with respect for rights holders and users (sometimes) opposing interests and the existing legal framework. The best answer to mass online P2P uses seems to be that of collective rights management, as it offers an organized licensing and remuneration system compatible with the interests of stakeholders. This is especially true in the E.U., home to a developed and sophisticated market of CMOs, subject to numerous ECJ and Commission decisions, as well as varying E.U. institutional approaches, all pointing towards a preference for multi-territorial and pan-European licensing models. In this context, this book tests the compatibility of several non-voluntary and voluntary approaches to P2P with international treaties, the <i>acquis </i>or simply strategic policy considerations.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Book{nokey, title = {On Peers and Copyright: Why the EU should consider collective management of P2P}, author = {Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {0807}, date = {2012-08-07}, abstract = {This book analyzes the E.U.’s approach to P2P, a digital age technology that highlights the tensions between the Internet and a territorial and fragmented copyright law. It aims at providing the necessary legal qualification and context to understand why the E.U., while following an economic and socially onerous path, has thus far failed to achieve its deterrence goals. It is argued that a solution to this conundrum must be based on the use of copyright law and policy as tools for market organization and innovation growth, with respect for rights holders and users (sometimes) opposing interests and the existing legal framework. The best answer to mass online P2P uses seems to be that of collective rights management, as it offers an organized licensing and remuneration system compatible with the interests of stakeholders. This is especially true in the E.U., home to a developed and sophisticated market of CMOs, subject to numerous ECJ and Commission decisions, as well as varying E.U. institutional approaches, all pointing towards a preference for multi-territorial and pan-European licensing models. In this context, this book tests the compatibility of several non-voluntary and voluntary approaches to P2P with international treaties, the <i>acquis </i>or simply strategic policy considerations.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Proposal for a Directive on collective rights management and (some) multi-territorial licensing external link

European Intellectual Property Review, num: 2, pp: 65-73, 2013


This article provides a brief descriptive analysis of the recent Proposal from the European Commission for a Directive on collective rights management and multi-territorial licensing. After setting the necessary background, it examines the Proposal's main provisions, focusing on those establishing a governance and transparency framework for collecting societies and multi-territorial licensing for online uses of musical works.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Proposal for a Directive on collective rights management and (some) multi-territorial licensing}, author = {Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {0131}, date = {2013-01-31}, journal = {European Intellectual Property Review}, number = {2}, abstract = {This article provides a brief descriptive analysis of the recent Proposal from the European Commission for a Directive on collective rights management and multi-territorial licensing. After setting the necessary background, it examines the Proposal\'s main provisions, focusing on those establishing a governance and transparency framework for collecting societies and multi-territorial licensing for online uses of musical works.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }