Macro and Exogenous Factors in Computational Advertising: Key Issues and New Research Directions external link

Helberger, N., Huh, J., Milne, G. & Strycharz, J.
Journal of Advertising, vol. 49, num: 4, pp: 377-393, 2020


To advance the emerging research field of computational advertising this article describes the new computational advertising ecosystem, identifies key actors within it and interactions among them, and discusses future research agendas. Specifically, we propose systematic conceptualization for the redefined advertising industry, consumers, government, and technology environmental factors, and discuss emerging and anticipated tensions that arise in the macro and exogenous factors surrounding the new computational advertising industry, leading to suggestions for future research directions. From multidisciplinary angles, areas of tension and related research questions are explored from advertising, business, computer science, and legal perspectives. The proposed research agendas include exploring transparency of computational advertising practice and consumer education; understanding the trade-off between explainability and performance of algorithms; exploring the issue of new consumers as free data laborers, data as commodity, and related consumer agency challenges; understanding the relationship between algorithmic transparency and consumers’ literacy; evaluating the trade-off between algorithmic fairness and privacy protection; examining legal and regulatory issues regarding power imbalance between actors in the computational advertising ecosystem; and studying the trade-off between technological innovation and consumer protection and empowerment.

algoritmen, consumentenbescherming, Consumentenrecht, frontpage, Privacy, reclamerecht


Article{Helberger2020h, title = {Macro and Exogenous Factors in Computational Advertising: Key Issues and New Research Directions}, author = {Helberger, N. and Huh, J. and Milne, G. and Strycharz, J.}, doi = {}, year = {0911}, date = {2020-09-11}, journal = {Journal of Advertising}, volume = {49}, number = {4}, pages = {377-393}, abstract = {To advance the emerging research field of computational advertising this article describes the new computational advertising ecosystem, identifies key actors within it and interactions among them, and discusses future research agendas. Specifically, we propose systematic conceptualization for the redefined advertising industry, consumers, government, and technology environmental factors, and discuss emerging and anticipated tensions that arise in the macro and exogenous factors surrounding the new computational advertising industry, leading to suggestions for future research directions. From multidisciplinary angles, areas of tension and related research questions are explored from advertising, business, computer science, and legal perspectives. The proposed research agendas include exploring transparency of computational advertising practice and consumer education; understanding the trade-off between explainability and performance of algorithms; exploring the issue of new consumers as free data laborers, data as commodity, and related consumer agency challenges; understanding the relationship between algorithmic transparency and consumers’ literacy; evaluating the trade-off between algorithmic fairness and privacy protection; examining legal and regulatory issues regarding power imbalance between actors in the computational advertising ecosystem; and studying the trade-off between technological innovation and consumer protection and empowerment.}, keywords = {algoritmen, consumentenbescherming, Consumentenrecht, frontpage, Privacy, reclamerecht}, }

Drie mogelijke boetes van mededingings-, consumenten- en persoonsgegevensautoriteiten voor hetzelfde datagebruik external link

Yakovleva, S., Geursen, W,W, & Arnbak, A.
Tijdschrift Mededingingsrecht in de Praktijk, num: 2, pp: 30-37, 2020


Door de toename van datagebruik door ondernemingen is er sprake van convergentie tussen het mededingings-, consumenten- en gegevensbeschermingsrecht. Er kan dan parallelle handhaving plaatsvinden ten aanzien van één en dezelfde handeling door dezelfde onderneming door drie verschillende autoriteiten. Dat noemen wij caleidoscopische handhaving. Dat heeft volgens ons verschillende keerzijden, waaronder het risico op overhandhaving door drie afzonderlijke procedures van drie afzonderlijke autoriteiten en mogelijk drie boetes. Wij onderzoeken in dit artikel waarom het ne-bis-in-idem-beginsel niet van toepassing is en het beginsel van eendaadse samenloop evenmin (net als in de recente Marine Harvest gun-jumping zaak), waardoor proportionaliteit overblijft.

Consumentenrecht, frontpage, gegevensbescherming, Mededingingsrecht, Privacy


Article{Yakovleva2020b, title = {Drie mogelijke boetes van mededingings-, consumenten- en persoonsgegevensautoriteiten voor hetzelfde datagebruik}, author = {Yakovleva, S. and Geursen, W,W, and Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0609}, date = {2020-06-09}, journal = {Tijdschrift Mededingingsrecht in de Praktijk}, number = {2}, abstract = {Door de toename van datagebruik door ondernemingen is er sprake van convergentie tussen het mededingings-, consumenten- en gegevensbeschermingsrecht. Er kan dan parallelle handhaving plaatsvinden ten aanzien van één en dezelfde handeling door dezelfde onderneming door drie verschillende autoriteiten. Dat noemen wij caleidoscopische handhaving. Dat heeft volgens ons verschillende keerzijden, waaronder het risico op overhandhaving door drie afzonderlijke procedures van drie afzonderlijke autoriteiten en mogelijk drie boetes. Wij onderzoeken in dit artikel waarom het ne-bis-in-idem-beginsel niet van toepassing is en het beginsel van eendaadse samenloop evenmin (net als in de recente Marine Harvest gun-jumping zaak), waardoor proportionaliteit overblijft.}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht, frontpage, gegevensbescherming, Mededingingsrecht, Privacy}, }

Does everyone have a price? Understanding people’s attitude towards online and offline price discrimination external link

Internet Policy Review, vol. 8, num: 1, 2019


Online stores can present a different price to each customer. Such algorithmic personalised pricing can lead to advanced forms of price discrimination based on the characteristics and behaviour of individual consumers. We conducted two consumer surveys among a representative sample of the Dutch population (N=1233 and N=1202), to analyse consumer attitudes towards a list of examples of price discrimination and dynamic pricing. A vast majority finds online price discrimination unfair and unacceptable, and thinks it should be banned. However, some pricing strategies that have been used by companies for decades are almost equally unpopular. We analyse the results to better understand why people dislike many types of price discrimination.

algoritmen, Consumentenrecht, frontpage, Price discrimination


Article{Poort2019b, title = {Does everyone have a price? Understanding people’s attitude towards online and offline price discrimination}, author = {Poort, J. and Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.}, url = {}, year = {0212}, date = {2019-02-12}, journal = {Internet Policy Review}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {}, abstract = {Online stores can present a different price to each customer. Such algorithmic personalised pricing can lead to advanced forms of price discrimination based on the characteristics and behaviour of individual consumers. We conducted two consumer surveys among a representative sample of the Dutch population (N=1233 and N=1202), to analyse consumer attitudes towards a list of examples of price discrimination and dynamic pricing. A vast majority finds online price discrimination unfair and unacceptable, and thinks it should be banned. However, some pricing strategies that have been used by companies for decades are almost equally unpopular. We analyse the results to better understand why people dislike many types of price discrimination.}, keywords = {algoritmen, Consumentenrecht, frontpage, Price discrimination}, }

The perfect match? A closer look at the relationship between EU consumer law and data protection law external link

Common Market Law Review, vol. 2017, num: 5, pp: 1427-1466, 2017


In modern markets, many companies offer so-called “free” services and monetize consumer data they collect through those services. This paper argues that consumer law and data protection law can usefully complement each other. Data protection law can also inform the interpretation of consumer law. Using consumer rights, consumers should be able to challenge excessive collection of their personal data. Consumer organizations have used consumer law to tackle data protection infringements. The interplay of data protection law and consumer protection law provides exciting opportunities for a more integrated vision on “data consumer law”.

Consumentenrecht, Consumer law, Data protection law, EU, frontpage, gegevensbescherming, Privacy


Article{Helberger2017b, title = {The perfect match? A closer look at the relationship between EU consumer law and data protection law}, author = {Helberger, N. and Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. and Reyna, A.}, url = {}, year = {1006}, date = {2017-10-06}, journal = {Common Market Law Review}, volume = {2017}, number = {5}, pages = {1427-1466}, abstract = {In modern markets, many companies offer so-called “free” services and monetize consumer data they collect through those services. This paper argues that consumer law and data protection law can usefully complement each other. Data protection law can also inform the interpretation of consumer law. Using consumer rights, consumers should be able to challenge excessive collection of their personal data. Consumer organizations have used consumer law to tackle data protection infringements. The interplay of data protection law and consumer protection law provides exciting opportunities for a more integrated vision on “data consumer law”.}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht, Consumer law, Data protection law, EU, frontpage, gegevensbescherming, Privacy}, }

Form matters: informing consumers effectively external link

pp: 51, 2013


This study examines what lessons can be learned from behavioural research for the form in which consumer information is being presented. The argument that this study makes is that the form in which information is presented and the effective communication of such information is at least as important as its content, and that this is an aspect that is still generally neglected in information and consumer law. The study is particularly interested in the potential of digital technologies in making consumer information more effective, and new approaches to form requirements in  areas in which the importance of effective communication has already been acknowledged, such as in communications law. The study  concludes with concrete suggestions for the future design of transparency requirements in information law and policy.



Report{nokey, title = {Form matters: informing consumers effectively}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {1107}, date = {2013-11-07}, abstract = {This study examines what lessons can be learned from behavioural research for the form in which consumer information is being presented. The argument that this study makes is that the form in which information is presented and the effective communication of such information is at least as important as its content, and that this is an aspect that is still generally neglected in information and consumer law. The study is particularly interested in the potential of digital technologies in making consumer information more effective, and new approaches to form requirements in  areas in which the importance of effective communication has already been acknowledged, such as in communications law. The study  concludes with concrete suggestions for the future design of transparency requirements in information law and policy.}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations external link

Dufft, N., Kerényi, K., Krings, B., Lambers, R., Orwat, C., Riehm, U., Helberger, N. & van Gompel, S.



Report{nokey, title = {Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations}, author = {Dufft, N. and Kerényi, K. and Krings, B. and Lambers, R. and Orwat, C. and Riehm, U. and Helberger, N. and van Gompel, S.}, url = {}, year = {1214}, date = {2004-12-14}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

Verkauft ist verkauft: wiederholen ist gestohlen. Reflecties op de UsedSoft-uitspraak van het Europese Hof (UsedSoft / Oracle) external link

Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken, num: 2, pp: 91-96, 2013



Other{nokey, title = {Verkauft ist verkauft: wiederholen ist gestohlen. Reflecties op de UsedSoft-uitspraak van het Europese Hof (UsedSoft / Oracle)}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0604}, date = {2013-06-04}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken}, number = {2}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

Accommodating the Needs of iConsumers: Making Sure They Get Their Money’s Worth of Digital Entertainment external link

Journal of Consumer Policy, num: 4, pp: 409, 2008



Article{nokey, title = {Accommodating the Needs of iConsumers: Making Sure They Get Their Money’s Worth of Digital Entertainment}, author = {Guibault, L.}, url = {}, year = {1101}, date = {2008-11-01}, journal = {Journal of Consumer Policy}, number = {4}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

‘”Access denied”: How some e-commerce businesses re-errect national borders for online consumers, and what European law has to say about this’ external link

European Journal of Consumer Law, num: 4, pp: 472-506, 2009



Article{nokey, title = {‘”Access denied”: How some e-commerce businesses re-errect national borders for online consumers, and what European law has to say about this’}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0227}, date = {2009-02-27}, journal = {European Journal of Consumer Law}, number = {4}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

Making place for the iConsumer in Consumer Law’ external link

Journal of Consumer Policy, num: 31, pp: 385-391, 2009



Article{nokey, title = {Making place for the iConsumer in Consumer Law’}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0227}, date = {2009-02-27}, journal = {Journal of Consumer Policy}, number = {31}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }