Van databankindustrie naar data‑economie: 25 jaar Databankenwet download

Auteursrecht, iss. : 2, pp: 67-76, 2024


Ooit was het idee dat een bijzonder beschermingsregime nodig was voor de jonge Europese databankindustrie: het sui generis recht. Met de Databankenwet kreeg ook Nederland er in 1999 dat volwaardig intellectueel eigendomsrecht bij. Fast forward twintig jaar, en we zien dat er een andere wind uit Brussel is gaan waaien: nieuwe wetgeving gericht op de ontwikkeling van de zogenaamde ‘data-economie’. Onder meer de Open datarichtlijn, Datagovernanceverordening en Dataverordening moeten bijdragen aan een interne markt waarin data zo vrij mogelijk kan stromen. Hoe verhoudt deze recente wetgeving tot de Databankrichtlijn? Dit artikel schetst hoe het sui generis recht langzaam uitgehold raakt.

Copyright, Database right


Article{nokey, title = {Van databankindustrie naar data‑economie: 25 jaar Databankenwet}, author = {van Eechoud, M. and Buijs, D.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-04}, journal = {Auteursrecht}, issue = {2}, abstract = {Ooit was het idee dat een bijzonder beschermingsregime nodig was voor de jonge Europese databankindustrie: het sui generis recht. Met de Databankenwet kreeg ook Nederland er in 1999 dat volwaardig intellectueel eigendomsrecht bij. Fast forward twintig jaar, en we zien dat er een andere wind uit Brussel is gaan waaien: nieuwe wetgeving gericht op de ontwikkeling van de zogenaamde ‘data-economie’. Onder meer de Open datarichtlijn, Datagovernanceverordening en Dataverordening moeten bijdragen aan een interne markt waarin data zo vrij mogelijk kan stromen. Hoe verhoudt deze recente wetgeving tot de Databankrichtlijn? Dit artikel schetst hoe het sui generis recht langzaam uitgehold raakt.}, keywords = {Copyright, Database right}, }

A Few Legal and Economic Questions external link

0812, pp: p. 104-110

Database right, frontpage, Intellectual property, Kluwer Information Law Series


Chapter{Dommering2016b, title = {A Few Legal and Economic Questions}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0812}, date = {2016-08-12}, keywords = {Database right, frontpage, Intellectual property, Kluwer Information Law Series}, }

Something Completely Different: Europe’s Sui Generis Database Right external link

0915, Series: Information Law Series, pp: 205-222


This chapter traces the sui generis database right’s historic roots, describes its main features, compares it to copyright, questions its legal nature especially in the light of international intellectual property agreements, and finally examines to what extent the goals of the Directive have been met.

Database right, frontpage, Intellectual property, Kluwer Information Law Series


Chapter{Hugenholtz2016b, title = {Something Completely Different: Europe’s Sui Generis Database Right}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = { }, year = {0915}, date = {2016-09-15}, abstract = {This chapter traces the sui generis database right’s historic roots, describes its main features, compares it to copyright, questions its legal nature especially in the light of international intellectual property agreements, and finally examines to what extent the goals of the Directive have been met.}, keywords = {Database right, frontpage, Intellectual property, Kluwer Information Law Series}, }

‘Football fixtures, horseraces and spinoffs: the ECJ domesticates the database right’ external link

EIPR, num: 3, pp: 113-118, 2005


On November 9, 2004 the ECJ handed down four important decisions on the interpretation of the sui generis database right of the European Database Directive. In the first place, they hold that investment in 'creating' data, e.g. by drawing up a list of sporting events, does not count towards 'substantial investment', thereby denying protection to such 'single-source' data as football fixtures and horseracing schedules. By making a distinction between 'created' and 'obtained' data, the ECJ embraces one of the main arguments underlying the 'spin-off theory'. In the second place, the ECJ clarifies that in determining infringement the economic value of the appropriated data is irrelevant.

Databankenrecht, Database right, football fixtures, horse racing, Intellectuele eigendom, spin offs


Article{nokey, title = {‘Football fixtures, horseraces and spinoffs: the ECJ domesticates the database right’}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0323}, date = {2005-03-23}, journal = {EIPR}, number = {3}, abstract = {On November 9, 2004 the ECJ handed down four important decisions on the interpretation of the sui generis database right of the European Database Directive. In the first place, they hold that investment in 'creating' data, e.g. by drawing up a list of sporting events, does not count towards 'substantial investment', thereby denying protection to such 'single-source' data as football fixtures and horseracing schedules. By making a distinction between 'created' and 'obtained' data, the ECJ embraces one of the main arguments underlying the 'spin-off theory'. In the second place, the ECJ clarifies that in determining infringement the economic value of the appropriated data is irrelevant.}, keywords = {Databankenrecht, Database right, football fixtures, horse racing, Intellectuele eigendom, spin offs}, }