Blockchain and the Law: A Critical Evaluation external link

Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy, vol. 2, num: 1, 2019

blockchain, frontpage


Article{Quintais2019b, title = {Blockchain and the Law: A Critical Evaluation}, author = {Quintais, J. and Bodó, B. and Giannopoulou, A. and Ferrari, V.}, url = {}, year = {0116}, date = {2019-01-16}, journal = {Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {}, keywords = {blockchain, frontpage}, }

Truce in the Copyright War? The Pros and Cons of Copyright Compensation Systems for Digital Use external link

Handke, C.W., Quintais, J. & Bodó, B.
Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, vol. 15, num: 2, pp: 23-56, 2019


This paper discusses copyright compensation systems (CCS) -- that provide licenses for downloading and non-commercial use of copyright works in return for a fee -- in the light of welfare economics and transaction cost economics. Recent empirical studies suggest that CCS could improve social welfare at least for recorded music. The general theme of the theoretical discussion in this paper is a simplicity-flexibility trade-off. On the one hand, CCS seek to reduce the costs of administering and trading copyrights online. On the other hand, standard copyright licenses distort the market mechanism. This paper discusses the costs and benefits of various CCS proposals compared to alternative ways of managing copyright online.

compensation systems, Copyright, frontpage


Article{HandkeBodoQuintais2018, title = {Truce in the Copyright War? The Pros and Cons of Copyright Compensation Systems for Digital Use}, author = {Handke, C.W. and Quintais, J. and Bodó, B.}, url = {}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-01-16}, journal = {Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {23-56}, abstract = {This paper discusses copyright compensation systems (CCS) -- that provide licenses for downloading and non-commercial use of copyright works in return for a fee -- in the light of welfare economics and transaction cost economics. Recent empirical studies suggest that CCS could improve social welfare at least for recorded music. The general theme of the theoretical discussion in this paper is a simplicity-flexibility trade-off. On the one hand, CCS seek to reduce the costs of administering and trading copyrights online. On the other hand, standard copyright licenses distort the market mechanism. This paper discusses the costs and benefits of various CCS proposals compared to alternative ways of managing copyright online.}, keywords = {compensation systems, Copyright, frontpage}, }

Related rights in United States law external link

AMI, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 245-251, 2019


This article explains the origin of the rights of performers, sound recording producers, audiovisual producers and broadcasters in the United States. As US law does not formally recognize a category of ‘related rights’, some of those rights exist under copyright law and are, therefore, subject to copyright rules such as the originality requirement, the possibility for authors to claim rights back 35 years after a transfer by contract, and the work-made-for-hire doctrine. Other rights are protected under different statutes.

Auteursrecht, frontpage, Verenigde Staten, wet op de naburige rechten


Article{Gervais2019, title = {Related rights in United States law}, author = {Gervais, D.J.}, url = {}, year = {0111}, date = {2019-01-11}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {245-251}, abstract = {This article explains the origin of the rights of performers, sound recording producers, audiovisual producers and broadcasters in the United States. As US law does not formally recognize a category of ‘related rights’, some of those rights exist under copyright law and are, therefore, subject to copyright rules such as the originality requirement, the possibility for authors to claim rights back 35 years after a transfer by contract, and the work-made-for-hire doctrine. Other rights are protected under different statutes.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, Verenigde Staten, wet op de naburige rechten}, }

De naburige rechten hebben hun tijd gehad external link

AMI, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 243-244, 2019

Auteursrecht, frontpage, wet op de naburige rechten


Article{Hugenholtz2019, title = {De naburige rechten hebben hun tijd gehad}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0111}, date = {2019-01-11}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {243-244}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, wet op de naburige rechten}, }

Ten geleide: ‘A je to!’ 25 jaar Wet op de naburige rechten external link

van Gompel, S.
AMI, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 235, 2019

Auteursrecht, frontpage, wet op de naburige rechten


Article{vanGompel2019, title = {Ten geleide: ‘A je to!’ 25 jaar Wet op de naburige rechten}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {}, year = {0111}, date = {2019-01-11}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {235}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, wet op de naburige rechten}, }

‘Nepnieuws’ in Nederland: verschijningsvormen van en potentiële oplossingen voor dit containerbegrip external link

Plaizier, C. & M. Klus
Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 190-193, 2019

desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht, nederland


Article{Plaizier2019, title = {‘Nepnieuws’ in Nederland: verschijningsvormen van en potentiële oplossingen voor dit containerbegrip}, author = {Plaizier, C. and M. Klus}, url = {}, year = {0110}, date = {2019-01-10}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {190-193}, keywords = {desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht, nederland}, }

‘Fake news’ en desinformatie in België: weinig zorgen, problemen voor morgen?: Een analyse van dit mediafenomeen in België external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 185-189, 2019

België, desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht


Article{Coche2019, title = {‘Fake news’ en desinformatie in België: weinig zorgen, problemen voor morgen?: Een analyse van dit mediafenomeen in België}, author = {Coche, E.}, url = {}, year = {0110}, date = {2019-01-10}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {185-189}, keywords = {België, desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht}, }

De taak van sociale media bij het bestrijden van desinformatie external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 171-175, 2019

desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht, sociale media


Article{Hins2019, title = {De taak van sociale media bij het bestrijden van desinformatie}, author = {Hins, A.}, url = {}, year = {0110}, date = {2019-01-10}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {171-175}, keywords = {desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht, sociale media}, }

Fake news: een plaatsbepaling external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 166-170, 2019

desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht


Article{Nieuwenhuis2019, title = {Fake news: een plaatsbepaling}, author = {Nieuwenhuis, A.}, url = {}, year = {0110}, date = {2019-01-10}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {166-170}, keywords = {desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht}, }

Het is allemaal fake external link

Korthals Altes, W.
Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 165, 2019

desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht


Article{Altes2019, title = {Het is allemaal fake}, author = {Korthals Altes, W.}, url = {}, year = {0110}, date = {2019-01-10}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {165}, keywords = {desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht}, }