Thou shalt not sample…without permission! external link

Quintais, J. & Jütte, B.J.
Kluwer Copyright Blog, vol. 2019, 2019

Copyright, frontpage, sampling


Article{Quintais2019, title = {Thou shalt not sample…without permission!}, author = {Quintais, J. and Jütte, B.J.}, url = {}, year = {0110}, date = {2019-01-10}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, volume = {2019}, pages = {}, keywords = {Copyright, frontpage, sampling}, }

Interested in diversity: The role of user attitudes, algorithmic feedback loops, and policy in news personalization external link

Digital Journalism, vol. 7, num: 2, pp: 206-229, 2019


Using survey evidence from the Netherlands, we explore the factors that influence news readers’ attitudes toward news personalization. We show that the value of personalization depends on commonly overlooked factors, such as concerns about a shared news sphere, and the diversity of recommendations. However, these expectations are not universal. Younger, less educated users are more exposed to personalized news and show little concern about diverse news recommendations. Quality news organizations that pursue reader loyalty and trust are incentivized to implement personalization algorithms that aim for diversity and high quality recommendations. However, some users are in danger of being left out of this positive feedback loop. We make specific policy suggestions regarding how to solve that issue.

frontpage, Mediarecht, news, personalization, survey, the netherlands, user attitudes


Article{Bodó2019, title = {Interested in diversity: The role of user attitudes, algorithmic feedback loops, and policy in news personalization}, author = {Bodó, B. and Helberger, N. and Eskens, S. and Möller, J.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0108}, date = {2019-01-08}, journal = {Digital Journalism}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {206-229}, abstract = {Using survey evidence from the Netherlands, we explore the factors that influence news readers’ attitudes toward news personalization. We show that the value of personalization depends on commonly overlooked factors, such as concerns about a shared news sphere, and the diversity of recommendations. However, these expectations are not universal. Younger, less educated users are more exposed to personalized news and show little concern about diverse news recommendations. Quality news organizations that pursue reader loyalty and trust are incentivized to implement personalization algorithms that aim for diversity and high quality recommendations. However, some users are in danger of being left out of this positive feedback loop. We make specific policy suggestions regarding how to solve that issue.}, keywords = {frontpage, Mediarecht, news, personalization, survey, the netherlands, user attitudes}, }

De Raad van Europa en online desinformatie: laveren tussen zorgen en zorgplichten? external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 180-184, 2018


Na alle hype rondom ‘fake news’, lijkt het gebruik van de term nu een behoorlijke terugslag te krijgen. Waar ‘fake news’ in 2016 en 2017 in rap tempo tot een buzz word was uitgegroeid, lijkt het inmiddels een vies woord te zijn geworden. Het heeft een militante connotatie gekregen en wordt in toenemende mate gebruikt om kritische journalisten en media te beschuldigen van het verspreiden van valse berichten, en daarmee hun werk en reputatie te ondermijnen. Daarom wordt steeds vaker de term desinformatie gebruikt als vervanger van ‘fake news’. Dit artikel staat stil bij deze terminologische verschuiving en legt uit waarom het van belang is afstand te nemen van de term ‘fake news’. Vervolgens wordt de angst voor schadelijke gevolgen van ‘fake news’ of desinformatie met de nodige nuchterheid geanalyseerd. Is er reden voor zorg en zo ja, welke juridische, politieke en praktische maatregelen heeft de Raad van Europa tot haar beschikking om (online) desinformatie tegen te gaan? Verder wordt ook onderzocht of, en in hoeverre, deze maatregelen hun grondslag vinden in de (negatieve en) positieve verplichtingen van Verdragspartijen bij het EVRM. Het artikel sluit af met een conclusie en enkele aanbevelingen voor het ontmantelen en het terugdringen van online desinformatie.

desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht, raad van europa, zorgplichten


Article{McGonagle2018g, title = {De Raad van Europa en online desinformatie: laveren tussen zorgen en zorgplichten?}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {1218}, date = {2018-12-18}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {180-184}, abstract = {Na alle hype rondom ‘fake news’, lijkt het gebruik van de term nu een behoorlijke terugslag te krijgen. Waar ‘fake news’ in 2016 en 2017 in rap tempo tot een buzz word was uitgegroeid, lijkt het inmiddels een vies woord te zijn geworden. Het heeft een militante connotatie gekregen en wordt in toenemende mate gebruikt om kritische journalisten en media te beschuldigen van het verspreiden van valse berichten, en daarmee hun werk en reputatie te ondermijnen. Daarom wordt steeds vaker de term desinformatie gebruikt als vervanger van ‘fake news’. Dit artikel staat stil bij deze terminologische verschuiving en legt uit waarom het van belang is afstand te nemen van de term ‘fake news’. Vervolgens wordt de angst voor schadelijke gevolgen van ‘fake news’ of desinformatie met de nodige nuchterheid geanalyseerd. Is er reden voor zorg en zo ja, welke juridische, politieke en praktische maatregelen heeft de Raad van Europa tot haar beschikking om (online) desinformatie tegen te gaan? Verder wordt ook onderzocht of, en in hoeverre, deze maatregelen hun grondslag vinden in de (negatieve en) positieve verplichtingen van Verdragspartijen bij het EVRM. Het artikel sluit af met een conclusie en enkele aanbevelingen voor het ontmantelen en het terugdringen van online desinformatie.}, keywords = {desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht, raad van europa, zorgplichten}, }

Kroniek Telecommunicatierecht external link

KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi, vol. 2018, num: 146, pp: 8749-8751, 2018

frontpage, Kronieken, Telecommunicatierecht


Article{vanEijk2018l, title = {Kroniek Telecommunicatierecht}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {1207}, date = {2018-12-07}, journal = {KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi}, volume = {2018}, number = {146}, pages = {8749-8751}, keywords = {frontpage, Kronieken, Telecommunicatierecht}, }

‘Hommage au fromage’ or how the CJEU said farewell to Heks’nkaas by excluding copyright protection for works of taste external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2018

Auteursrecht, frontpage, originaliteit


Article{Coche2018h, title = {‘Hommage au fromage’ or how the CJEU said farewell to Heks’nkaas by excluding copyright protection for works of taste}, author = {Coche, E.}, url = {}, year = {1205}, date = {2018-12-05}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, originaliteit}, }

Democratizing algorithmic news recommenders: how to materialize voice in a technologically saturated media ecosystem external link

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, vol. 376, num: 2135, pp: 1-21, 2018


The deployment of various forms of AI, most notably of machine learning algorithms, radically transforms many domains of social life. In this paper we focus on the news industry, where different algorithms are used to customize news offerings to increasingly specific audience preferences. While this personalization of news enables media organizations to be more receptive to their audience, it can be questioned whether current deployments of algorithmic news recommenders (ANR) live up to their emancipatory promise. Like in various other domains, people have little knowledge of what personal data is used and how such algorithmic curation comes about, let alone that they have any concrete ways to influence these data-driven processes. Instead of going down the intricate avenue of trying to make ANR more transparent, we explore in this article ways to give people more influence over the information news recommendation algorithms provide by thinking about and enabling possibilities to express voice. After differentiating four ideal typical modalities of expressing voice (alternation, awareness, adjustment and obfuscation) which are illustrated with currently existing empirical examples, we present and argue for algorithmic recommender personae as a way for people to take more control over the algorithms that curate people's news provision.

access to information, algoritmes, Artificial intelligence, frontpage, news, persona, Personalisation, right to receive information, user agency


Article{Harambam2018b, title = {Democratizing algorithmic news recommenders: how to materialize voice in a technologically saturated media ecosystem}, author = {Harambam, J. and Helberger, N. and van Hoboken, J.}, url = { }, doi = {}, year = {1123}, date = {2018-11-23}, journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A}, volume = {376}, number = {2135}, pages = {1-21}, abstract = {The deployment of various forms of AI, most notably of machine learning algorithms, radically transforms many domains of social life. In this paper we focus on the news industry, where different algorithms are used to customize news offerings to increasingly specific audience preferences. While this personalization of news enables media organizations to be more receptive to their audience, it can be questioned whether current deployments of algorithmic news recommenders (ANR) live up to their emancipatory promise. Like in various other domains, people have little knowledge of what personal data is used and how such algorithmic curation comes about, let alone that they have any concrete ways to influence these data-driven processes. Instead of going down the intricate avenue of trying to make ANR more transparent, we explore in this article ways to give people more influence over the information news recommendation algorithms provide by thinking about and enabling possibilities to express voice. After differentiating four ideal typical modalities of expressing voice (alternation, awareness, adjustment and obfuscation) which are illustrated with currently existing empirical examples, we present and argue for algorithmic recommender personae as a way for people to take more control over the algorithms that curate people\'s news provision.}, keywords = {access to information, algoritmes, Artificial intelligence, frontpage, news, persona, Personalisation, right to receive information, user agency}, }

De/politisering van de Waarheid: Complottheorieën, alternatieve feiten en nepnieuws in het tijdperk van de postwaarheid external link

Sociologie, vol. 13, num: 1, pp: 73-92, 2018


The Truth dominates many public discussions today. Conventional truths from established epistemic authorities about all sorts of issues, from climate change to terrorist attacks, are increasingly challenged by ordinary citizens and presidents alike. Many have therefore proclaimed that we have entered a post-truth era: a world in which objective facts are no longer relevant. Media and politics speak in alarmist discourse about how fake news, conspiracy theories and alternative facts threaten democratic societies by destabilizing the Truth ‐ a clear sign of a moral panic. In this essay, I firstly explore what sociological changes have led to (so much commotion about) the alleged demise of the Truth. In contrast to the idea that we have moved beyond it, I argue that we are amidst public battles about the Truth: at stake is who gets to decide over that and why. I then discuss and criticize the dominant counter reaction (re-establishing the idea of one objective and irrefutable truth), which I see as an unsuccessful de-politisation strategy. Basing myself on research and experiments with epistemic democracy in the field of science studies, I end with a more effective and democratic alternative of how to deal with knowledge in the complex information landscape of today.

algoritmes, conspiracy theories, Fake news, fakenews, Freedom of expression, frontpage


Article{Harambam2017, title = {De/politisering van de Waarheid: Complottheorieën, alternatieve feiten en nepnieuws in het tijdperk van de postwaarheid}, author = {Harambam, J.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {1123}, date = {2018-11-23}, journal = {Sociologie}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {73-92}, abstract = {The Truth dominates many public discussions today. Conventional truths from established epistemic authorities about all sorts of issues, from climate change to terrorist attacks, are increasingly challenged by ordinary citizens and presidents alike. Many have therefore proclaimed that we have entered a post-truth era: a world in which objective facts are no longer relevant. Media and politics speak in alarmist discourse about how fake news, conspiracy theories and alternative facts threaten democratic societies by destabilizing the Truth ‐ a clear sign of a moral panic. In this essay, I firstly explore what sociological changes have led to (so much commotion about) the alleged demise of the Truth. In contrast to the idea that we have moved beyond it, I argue that we are amidst public battles about the Truth: at stake is who gets to decide over that and why. I then discuss and criticize the dominant counter reaction (re-establishing the idea of one objective and irrefutable truth), which I see as an unsuccessful de-politisation strategy. Basing myself on research and experiments with epistemic democracy in the field of science studies, I end with a more effective and democratic alternative of how to deal with knowledge in the complex information landscape of today.}, keywords = {algoritmes, conspiracy theories, Fake news, fakenews, Freedom of expression, frontpage}, }

The Golden Age of Personal Data: How to Regulate an Enabling Fundamental Right? external link

Oostveen, M. & Irion, K.
In: Bakhoum M., Conde Gallego B., Mackenrodt MO., Surblytė-Namavičienė G. (eds) Personal Data in Competition, Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Law. MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, vol 28. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1120


New technologies, purposes and applications to process individuals’ personal data are being developed on a massive scale. But we have not only entered the ‘golden age of personal data’ in terms of its exploitation: ours is also the ‘golden age of personal data’ in terms of regulation of its use. Understood as an enabling right, the architecture of EU data protection law is capable of protecting against many of the negative short- and long-term effects of contemporary data processing. Against the backdrop of big data applications, we evaluate how the implementation of privacy and data protection rules protect against the short- and long-term effects of contemporary data processing. We conclude that from the perspective of protecting individual fundamental rights and freedoms, it would be worthwhile to explore alternative (legal) approaches instead of relying on EU data protection law alone to cope with contemporary data processing.

automated decision making, Big data, Data protection, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Privacy, profiling


Chapter{Oostveen2018, title = {The Golden Age of Personal Data: How to Regulate an Enabling Fundamental Right?}, author = {Oostveen, M. and Irion, K.}, url = {}, year = {1120}, date = {2018-11-20}, abstract = {New technologies, purposes and applications to process individuals’ personal data are being developed on a massive scale. But we have not only entered the ‘golden age of personal data’ in terms of its exploitation: ours is also the ‘golden age of personal data’ in terms of regulation of its use. Understood as an enabling right, the architecture of EU data protection law is capable of protecting against many of the negative short- and long-term effects of contemporary data processing. Against the backdrop of big data applications, we evaluate how the implementation of privacy and data protection rules protect against the short- and long-term effects of contemporary data processing. We conclude that from the perspective of protecting individual fundamental rights and freedoms, it would be worthwhile to explore alternative (legal) approaches instead of relying on EU data protection law alone to cope with contemporary data processing.}, keywords = {automated decision making, Big data, Data protection, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Privacy, profiling}, }

Privatised enforcement and the right to freedom of expression in a world confronted with terrorism propaganda online external link

Internet Policy Review, vol. 2018, num: 4, 2018


The purpose of this paper is to explore the risks of privatised enforcement in the field of terrorism propaganda, stemming from the EU Code of conduct on countering illegal hate speech online. By shedding light on this Code, the author argues that implementation of it may undermine the rule of law and give rise to private censorship. In order to outweigh these risks, IT companies should improve their transparency, especially towards users whose content have been affected. Where automated means are used, the companies should always have in place some form of human intervention in order to contextualise posts. At the EU level, the Commission should provide IT companies with clearer guidelines regarding their liability exemption under the e-Commerce Directive. This would help prevent a race-to-the bottom where intermediaries choose to interpret and apply the most stringent national laws in order to secure at utmost their liability. The paper further articulates on the fine line that exists between ‘terrorist content’ and ‘illegal hate speech’ and the need for more detailed definitions.

code of conduct, frontpage, handhaving, hate speech, terrorisme, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Coche2018g, title = {Privatised enforcement and the right to freedom of expression in a world confronted with terrorism propaganda online}, author = {Coche, E.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {1106}, date = {2018-11-06}, journal = {Internet Policy Review}, volume = {2018}, number = {4}, pages = {}, abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to explore the risks of privatised enforcement in the field of terrorism propaganda, stemming from the EU Code of conduct on countering illegal hate speech online. By shedding light on this Code, the author argues that implementation of it may undermine the rule of law and give rise to private censorship. In order to outweigh these risks, IT companies should improve their transparency, especially towards users whose content have been affected. Where automated means are used, the companies should always have in place some form of human intervention in order to contextualise posts. At the EU level, the Commission should provide IT companies with clearer guidelines regarding their liability exemption under the e-Commerce Directive. This would help prevent a race-to-the bottom where intermediaries choose to interpret and apply the most stringent national laws in order to secure at utmost their liability. The paper further articulates on the fine line that exists between ‘terrorist content’ and ‘illegal hate speech’ and the need for more detailed definitions.}, keywords = {code of conduct, frontpage, handhaving, hate speech, terrorisme, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

The right to protection of personal data: the new posterchild of European Union citizenship? external link

Irion, K. & Granger, M.-P.
Edward Elgar Publishing, 1031


In this chapter we argue that the right to data protection is the posterchild of EU citizenship in the digital era. We start by providing a brief overview of the gradual construction of the right to personal data protection in the EU. We then identify a range of actors who have played a particular role in the building process, including EU citizens themselves. Next, we review the current legal ‘architecture’ of the right to the protection of personal data and discuss whether it could serve as a model for the future development of EU citizenship, notwithstanding remaining challenges at the level of national implementation and public and private compliance with EU rules. Finally, we reflect on the future of the right to data protection, and its contribution to the development of EU citizenship as a legal regime.

citizenship, EU law, frontpage, GDPR, Privacy


Chapter{Irion2018c, title = {The right to protection of personal data: the new posterchild of European Union citizenship?}, author = {Irion, K. and Granger, M.-P.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {1031}, date = {2018-10-31}, abstract = {In this chapter we argue that the right to data protection is the posterchild of EU citizenship in the digital era. We start by providing a brief overview of the gradual construction of the right to personal data protection in the EU. We then identify a range of actors who have played a particular role in the building process, including EU citizens themselves. Next, we review the current legal ‘architecture’ of the right to the protection of personal data and discuss whether it could serve as a model for the future development of EU citizenship, notwithstanding remaining challenges at the level of national implementation and public and private compliance with EU rules. Finally, we reflect on the future of the right to data protection, and its contribution to the development of EU citizenship as a legal regime.}, keywords = {citizenship, EU law, frontpage, GDPR, Privacy}, }